google / automotive-design-compose

Automotive Design for Compose is an extension to Jetpack Compose that allows every screen, component, and overlay of your Android App to be defined in Figma, and lets you see the latest changes to your Figma design in your app, immediately!
Apache License 2.0
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[Draft / Not Compiling] Enable Kotlin Symbol Processor 2 Preview #1008

Open timothyfroehlich opened 4 weeks ago

timothyfroehlich commented 4 weeks ago

Changes for KSP2 described here:

timothyfroehlich commented 4 weeks ago

@rylin8 I gave it a shot with the latest KSP2 Preview, but no luck. Getting errors like this:

> Task :validation-app:kspDebugKotlin FAILED
e: [ksp] Invalid parameter type @Composable [@Composable] Function1<ComponentReplacementContext, Unit> property "replaceNode"
e: [ksp] Invalid parameter type Bitmap?? property "imgOne"
e: [ksp] Invalid parameter type Bitmap?? property "imgTwo"
e: [ksp] Invalid @Design parameter type
e: [ksp] Invalid @Design parameter type @Composable