google / benchmark

A microbenchmark support library
Apache License 2.0
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[FR]disable threads for wasm? #1774

Open trcrsired opened 3 months ago

trcrsired commented 3 months ago

i try to use google benchmark for wasm and it does not provide thread. Is that possible to use this without pthread?

dmah42 commented 3 months ago we expect to have pthreads available

LebedevRI commented 3 months ago

I guess we only really need threading for ->Threads() feature, so we could make it disable-ableable. Do we want that?

justzh commented 3 months ago

No, you don't disable threads for wasm; disable threads for meta-data.

justzh commented 3 months ago


LebedevRI commented 3 months ago

I'm afraid i'm failing to parse last two comments. The topic-starter is asking about being able to build the library without threading, and i've said that we could theoretically do that since we don't strictly need them always.

justzh commented 3 months ago


justzh commented 3 months ago

I think we want that, um, uhhhhhh, yeah..

justzh commented 3 months ago

We don't need this customer.

justzh commented 3 months ago

Sorry, but it's true.