Testing ConsoleReporter Output
2019-09-22 22:52:05
Running /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-mipsel-linux-gnu/test/user_counters_test
Run on (4 X 718.84 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 64K (x4)
L1 Instruction 64K (x4)
L2 Unified 1024K (x1)
Load Average: 2.92, 4.19, 3.97
***WARNING*** Library was built as DEBUG. Timings may be affected.
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/output_test_helper.cc:112: CheckCase: Check `remaining_output.eof() == false' failed. End of output reached before match for regex "^BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec %console_report bar=%hrfloat bytes_per_second=%hrfloat/s foo=%hrfloat items_per_second=%hrfloat/s$" was found
actual regex string "^BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec [ ]*([0-9]+[.])?[0-9]+[ ]+ns [ ]*([0-9]+[.])?[0-9]+[ ]+ns [ ]*[0-9]+ bar=[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]? bytes_per_second=[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s foo=[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]? items_per_second=[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s$"
started matching near: BM_Counters_WithBytesAndItemsPSec 0.000 ns 0.000 ns 1000000000 bar=10 bytes_per_second=inf/s foo=1 items_per_second=inf/s
Testing ConsoleReporter Output
2019-09-22 22:52:06
Running /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-mipsel-linux-gnu/test/user_counters_tabular_test
Run on (4 X 718.84 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 64K (x4)
L1 Instruction 64K (x4)
L2 Unified 1024K (x1)
Load Average: 2.92, 4.19, 3.97
***WARNING*** Library was built as DEBUG. Timings may be affected.
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/output_test_helper.cc:106: CheckCase: Check `TC.match_rule != MR_Next' failed. Expected line "BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:1 0.000 ns 0.000 ns 1000000000 inf/s inf/s inf/s inf/s inf/s inf/s" to match regex "^BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:%int %console_report [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s [ ]*%hrfloat/s$"
actual regex string "^BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:[ ]*[0-9]+ [ ]*([0-9]+[.])?[0-9]+[ ]+ns [ ]*([0-9]+[.])?[0-9]+[ ]+ns [ ]*[0-9]+ [ ]*[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s [ ]*[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s [ ]*[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s [ ]*[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s [ ]*[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s [ ]*[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+([eE][-+][0-9]+)?[kMGTPEZYmunpfazy]?/s$"
started matching near: BM_CounterRates_Tabular/threads:1 0.000 ns 0.000 ns 1000000000 inf/s inf/s inf/s inf/s inf/s inf/s
60/61 Test #56: complexity_benchmark .......................Child aborted***Exception: 2.74 sec
Testing ConsoleReporter Output
2019-09-22 22:52:07
Running /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-mipsel-linux-gnu/test/complexity_test
Run on (4 X 718.84 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 64K (x4)
L1 Instruction 64K (x4)
L2 Unified 1024K (x1)
Load Average: 2.92, 4.19, 3.97
***WARNING*** Library was built as DEBUG. Timings may be affected.
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/output_test_helper.cc:106: CheckCase: Check `TC.match_rule != MR_Next' failed. Expected line "BM_ComplexityCaptureArgs/capture_test_RMS 2 % nan % " to match regex "^%rms_name %rms %rms[ ]*$"
actual regex string "^BM_ComplexityCaptureArgs/capture_test_RMS [ ]*[0-9]+ % [ ]*[0-9]+ %[ ]*$"
started matching near: BM_ComplexityCaptureArgs/capture_test_RMS 2 % nan %
Here is the patch that we apply for the Debian package, but this disables the tests for all architectures