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Issue with mirroring workspace #8225

Open QuirkyCort opened 2 weeks ago

QuirkyCort commented 2 weeks ago

Check for duplicates


When all mirroring events from one workspace to another, I expect both workspaces to be identical. But when an "else if" is added to an "if" block, it is possible for the two workspace to differ.

The problem can be reproduced on, and I have also verified it on my own application where I can confirmed that all events are being mirrored.

Reproduction steps

  1. Open
  2. Add an "if" block.
  3. Add an "else" to the "if" block.
  4. Add a "print" under the "else".
  5. Add an "else if" to the "if" block.
  6. The "print" remains under the "else" in the first workspace, but is disconnected in the second workspace.

Stack trace

No response


No response


No response

maribethb commented 2 weeks ago

fwiw this occurs in both v11.0.0 and v11.1.1 so it's not related to the disappearing input blocks.

cpcallen commented 1 week ago

See also #7950.

cpcallen commented 1 week ago

Root cause analysis (part I)

Initially I knew the following (true) facts:

It therefore seemed logical that the solution would be to have loadExtraState instead call this.rebuildShape_() instead.

I had actually begun making this change when I decided to do a little additional refactoring: specifically, pulling the connection-saving code out of rebuildShape_ into a separate method I had named saveChildBlocks_ (to correspond with the existing reconnectChildBlocks_) when I noticed that there is already a saveConnections method that does something similar, but slightly different: instead of returning the connections, it saves each on the corresponding clause blocks in the mutator bubble. It's not called from anywhere in blocks/logic.ts, but is called from the saveConnectionsListener in core/icons/mutator_icon.ts, with the intention of keeping the saved connections up-to-date in the face of changes to blocks connected to the CONTROLS_IF block on the main workspace while the mutator bubble is open.

The purpose of this (saving the connections on the clause blocks, and keeping them updated) is so that rearranging clause blocks in the mutator bubble will correspondingly rearrange the blocks connected to the CONTROLS_IF block.

Relevant to this issue is the fact that such rearrangements cannot be conveyed only via BlockChange events, because the mutation element conveys only:

and no sequence of such mutations can convey information about how to reorder connected blocks, so if such changes are to be mirrored they must be mirrored by another mechanism—and in fact they are.

Playing around with the mirror demo further (after refining its logging code) demonstrated that in fact reconfiguring the CONTROLS_IF block via its mutator normally causes the primary workspace to emit a series of BlockMove move events that—in most circumstances—successfully disconnect and then reconnect the child blocks in the secondary workspace. The reproduction steps reported in this issue are a (fairly rare) exception, where the code in test/index.js sees only a bare BlockChange event emitted, without being preceded and followed by BlockMove events as it would normally be.

In fact, after further playing around with various combinations of mutations—making a longer and longer CONTROLS_IF block by inserting additional elseif clause blocks in the mutator—it appeared that the BlockMove events are reliably emitted in every case except when the reshaping of the CONTROLS_IF happens to result in the one of the (formerly) attached blocks not moving.

This was very surprising, so I traced the execution of the reproduction case from the point that rebuildShape_ calls reconnectChildBlocks_ at step 5 of the reproduction, and observed Connection.prototype.connect_ create a block_move and then .fire() it (and then traced further to ensure that the event was actually being added to `FIRE_QUEUE, just for good measure).

Why is this BlockMove not being observed by the change listener set up to implement the mirroring? The most plausible hypothesis I could think of was that for some reason BlockMove events that do not actually move the block (i.e. have zero offset) are being suppressed.

Further tracing revealed an interesting situation: at the time fireNow is called following step 5 of the reproduction, the contents of FIRE_QUEUE are (edited for clarity):

  /* 0: BlockMove */ {
    blockId: "GHBo}8?anH~0O3/k#)9E",
    newCoordinate: {x: 85.49684143066406, y: 120.89669799804688},
    newInputName: undefined,
    newParentId: undefined,
    oldCoordinate: undefined,
    oldInputName: "ELSE",
    oldParentId: "R((cl0jw+oRvjZJ9JT}l",
    reason: ['disconnect'],
  /* 1: BlockMove */ {
    blockId: "GHBo}8?anH~0O3/k#)9E",
    newCoordinate: undefined,
    newInputName: "ELSE",
    newParentId: "R((cl0jw+oRvjZJ9JT}l",
    oldCoordinate: {x: 85.49684143066406, y: 120.89669799804688},
    oldInputName: undefined,
    oldParentId: undefined,
    reason: ['connect'],
  /* 2: BlockChange */ {
    blockId: "R((cl0jw+oRvjZJ9JT}l",
    element: "mutation",
    name: undefined
    newValue: '{"elseIfCount":1,"hasElse":true}',
    oldValue: '{"hasElse":true}',

Well: that's not ideal: I'd expect BlockChange to be between the BlockMove events, not after both. Even if the BlockMove events hadn't disappeared, this order would still result in an incorrect replay in the secondary workspace.

So it looks like the two BlockMove events might be being coalesced into a single event which, seeming to have no effect, is subsequently dropped for being moot. More tracing determined that the answer is yes, with a call to filter(FIRE_QUEUE, true) returning an array containing only a single event—the BlockChange.

So, It appears that the actual cause of the failure reported in this issue is that the BlockMove event(s) reconnecting the blocks are being emitted before the BlockChange event instead of after it—and curiously enough the filter method contains the following code that appears to attempt to kludge a fix for this by reordering the the events in the queue:

  // Move mutation events to the top of the queue.
  // Intentionally skip first event.
  for (let i = 1, event; (event = queue[i]); i++) {
    // AnyDuringMigration because:  Property 'element' does not exist on type
    // 'Abstract'.
    if (
      event.type === CHANGE &&
      (event as AnyDuringMigration).element === 'mutation'
    ) {
      queue.unshift(queue.splice(i, 1)[0]);

This code first appears in 5578458, merged in PR #298. I have not so far been able to establish whether this was actually created to fix the emit-order issue or if it just happend to do so coincidentally.

(The null-event filtering was added later, in PR #1398, attempting to fix issue #1373 that had resulted from changes made in PR #1205 to address the fact that the previous filter routine had been O(n^2) due to use of Array.prototype.splice().)

cpcallen commented 3 days ago

Root cause analysis (part II)

The ultimate root cause of this issue, and the reason the BlockChange event is being emitted after the BlockMove events is that this is how the MutatorIcon.prototype.recomposeSourceBlock method is implemented (simplified):

  private recomposeSourceBlock() {
    // ...
    // ...* BlockChange */,  this.sourceBlock, 'mutation', /* ... */);
    // ...

The block's compose method is run, modifying the shape of the block and causing all the BlockMove events to be emitted, and then the BlockChange event is emitted.

cpcallen commented 3 days ago

Possible remedies

There are three principle categories of fixes that could be applied to this issue.

Emitting events in correct order

This would seem to be the most elegant and notionally correct approach. The tricky thing is how to arrange for blocks' compose methods to emit the BlockChange event at the correct time. There are a few possible approaches:

  1. Have compose directly create and fire a single BlockChange event.
    • The fire call would be removed from recomposeSourceBlock.
    • All mutator mixins (ours and external developers) would need to be modified, and unmodified mutator mixins would cease to emit BlockChange events at all, rendering them broken.
  2. Have the block-shape-changing calls each emit BlockChange events, and verify these will be correctly deduped by the filter function. ('post-dedupe')
    • The BlockChange-emitting fire call would be removed from recomposeSourceBlock.
    • This might entail a creating and then deduping a large number of BlockChange events (with a large number of calls to saveExtraState.
    • Would need to instrument all block methods that add/remove/modify inputs.
    • Would need to have a way to disable event emission during block creation (or perhaps to only enable it during mutation).
  3. Have the Block-shape-changing methods set a flag or place a marker in the event queue to indicate that a BlockChange event is pending. ('pre-dedupe')
    • The BlockChange-emitting fire call would be removed from recomposeSourceBlock.
    • The fire function would be modified to check for such a flag/marker and create and, if present, enqueue a single BlockChange before enqueueing the fired event.
    • Needs to be able to handle multiple different blocks changing, for full generality.
    • Would need to have a way to disable flagging/marking during block creation (or perhaps to only enable it during mutation).

In any case it should be possible to remove the existing post-filtering reorder hack from the filter function, though it would be wise to try to fully understand the original reason why it was created in the first place before doing so.

Fix reordering of events between emission and execution

This would entail updating the filter function to put the reordering hack above the main filter routine (probably breaking it out into a separate method.

Introduce separate block method for reconnection

Currently compose has to do the reconnections, and only after compose has returned can recomposeSourceBlock emit the BlockChange event. We could achieve correct event ordering without substantial changes to event emitting code by separating the existing connect method into two separate well-known block methods:



(This option suggested by @BeksOmega.)

Fix event reordering and introduce separate reconnect method

This would take a belt-and-braces approach by doing both of the two previous options.

Kludgy hacks Workarounds

There are ways to resolve this issue without resolving the underlying issue in Blockly. The simplest is probably to modify the CONTROLS_IF_MUTATOR_MIXIN's loadExtraState method to call this.rebuildShape_ instead of this.updateShape_.

cpcallen commented 2 days ago

Summary of discussion in the team meeting:

I propose adding the block method first, since that is the less risky approach and definitely fixes the problem (for the library blocks, at least), and then looking at fixing the reordering code, and then attempting to improve the reordering code (after ensuring it has sufficient test coverage to reduce the likelihood of regression).