google / btree

BTree provides a simple, ordered, in-memory data structure for Go programs.
Apache License 2.0
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Question on iteration #28

Open jvsteiner opened 5 years ago

jvsteiner commented 5 years ago

I'm using btree to provide an in-memory key-value store for use as a non-persistent substitute for other key-value databases in a cacheing application. The interface that I need to implement using this package requires that I provide an iterator which exposes Next() and Prev() methods.

I have done this using the AscendGreaterOrEqual and DescendLessOrEqual methods as follows: I store a pointer to the current item, and use it as a reference to ascend or descend from, when Next() or Prev() are called, respectively.

While, I believe that internally, iteration within the provided method calls is O(1), in my case, I believe that the lookup of the current item is always O(logN). Since there is not another obvious, O(1) way (to me at least) to restart iteration from a given Item, and move forward or backward one position in the manner I need, and which is common in most key-value store interfaces, I was wondering if the authors thought it might be useful to expose another way to control iteration in a step-by-step manner - O(1) - which keeps track of the current item.

gconnell commented 5 years ago

Oops, sorry, fatfingered a response. Trying again...

You appear correct in all regards :)

While iterating, a move from one object to the next during an iteration call is O(1), the search for an item within the tree to start the iteration is O(logn), so a repeated (search+move) will be O(logn) * searches, or O(nlogn) assuming n searches into the btree.

You're right that we currently don't have a more robust iterator that knows its position and allows increment/decrement to move forward/back within the tree. I expect your use-case is not unique, however, so it seems like the addition of such an interface would probably be useful.

One note: currently we provide no guarantees about iterating during insertion... if you write to a btree (insert/delete), you invalidate all iterators currently iterating on that tree. I don't see that changing any time soon.

I'm interested if you can provide more information about your use-case: it appears to me that a call to Next() followed by a call to Prev() could be avoided by just caching the original value before calling Next(), since you're guaranteed to get back the same thing you're looking for? Are you calling Next() multiple times, then Prev() once? Or calling each an arbitrary number of times?

cznic commented 5 years ago

@jvsteiner You might want to take a look at It has O(1) iterators that self-sync on demand.

The enumerator is aware of any mutations made to the tree in the process of enumerating it and automatically resumes the enumeration at the proper key, if possible.

jvsteiner commented 5 years ago

@cznic I am indeed considering it, thanks!

@gconnell - In my use case, I don't think Next() followed by Prev() is ever required. In a given transaction (which is implemented by me) it would be multiple Next() or Prev() calls but never both in the same operation. Iteration might need to stop based on the values retrieved, so I can't accomplish this with a defined range.

Additionally, I have a different use case where I call Max() or Min() repeatedly, until some condition which again depends on the value retrieved is satisfied. (I remove the original maximum value, in case I need to move to the next - I use it very much like a stack when getting values, but I need fast inserts into sorted order. It would be good if those calls were O(1) as well, however, I suspect it's not possible to make the removals O(1), as sometimes the tree would need to be rebalanced.

I get that this data structure is not concurrent, and that it's not like my iterator gets a snapshot of the internal state or something - It would be nice, but my use case, it's not a priority. I wonder if it would be possible, though, to use Clone to accomplish something like this...

jvsteiner commented 5 years ago

@cznic - I ran the benchmarks for btree, and it's much faster for inserts, although, indeed, the iteration is relatively more performant.

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkInsert-4                        3000000           386 ns/op
BenchmarkSeek-4                          5000000           349 ns/op
BenchmarkDeleteInsert-4                  2000000           796 ns/op
BenchmarkDeleteInsertCloneOnce-4         2000000           804 ns/op
BenchmarkDeleteInsertCloneEachTime-4      500000          2861 ns/op
BenchmarkDelete-4                        3000000           436 ns/op
BenchmarkGet-4                           5000000           355 ns/op
BenchmarkGetCloneEachTime-4              3000000           473 ns/op
BenchmarkAscend-4                          10000        151680 ns/op
BenchmarkDescend-4                         10000        104672 ns/op
BenchmarkAscendRange-4                     10000        187702 ns/op
BenchmarkDescendRange-4                     5000        255128 ns/op
BenchmarkAscendGreaterOrEqual-4            10000        119307 ns/op
BenchmarkDescendLessOrEqual-4              10000        187690 ns/op
BenchmarkDeleteAndRestore/CopyBigFreeList-4                  100      11307591 ns/op      274526 B/op         14 allocs/op
BenchmarkDeleteAndRestore/Copy-4                             100      11955815 ns/op      866424 B/op       1162 allocs/op
BenchmarkDeleteAndRestore/ClearBigFreelist-4                 200       6535154 ns/op        1509 B/op          5 allocs/op
BenchmarkDeleteAndRestore/Clear-4                            200       6735721 ns/op      543568 B/op       1051 allocs/op
ok 38.072s
cznic commented 5 years ago

I ran the benchmarks for btree, and it's much faster for inserts ...

I don't see here which benchmarks and their results are the base for the comparison "much faster". Note that the 1e3, 1e4 etc suffixes of the benchmarks are the number of items set, get, deleted etc. So to get time per item one has to divide the time/op value by 10^3, 10^4 etc.

jvsteiner commented 5 years ago

I see - indeed that was not obvious from the published benchmarks, at least to me.

jvsteiner commented 5 years ago

@cznic may I ask, where can I obtain the code for inspection? The URL's you provided only lead to the documentation, which does not contain , AFAICT, instructions on how to obtain the actual code. The import statements there, when you try to resolve them in the usual fashion redirect to godocs.


I go get worked on that import path, although it seems weird. can you provide some information about the organization behind this project?

cznic commented 5 years ago

There's no organization behind above me purchasing a domain to make packages at available independently from the hosting site as I've started the process of abandoning Github after it has been bought by its current owner. See also