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Unable to update nested BuiltList inside ListBuilder #259

Closed komritza closed 2 years ago

komritza commented 2 years ago

State is looking like this:

abstract class TravelDeductionsState
    implements Built<TravelDeductionsState, TravelDeductionsStateBuilder> {
  factory TravelDeductionsState(
          [void Function(TravelDeductionsStateBuilder) updates]) =


  static Serializer<TravelDeductionsState> get serializer =>

  static TravelDeductionsStateBuilder initial() =>
        ..loadedStatus = ApiRequestStatus.none
        ..days = ListBuilder<TravelDeduction>();

  BuiltList<TravelDeduction> get days;

  ApiRequestStatus get loadedStatus;

Trying to update the days and to add/remove entry like this:

TravelDeductionsStateBuilder _travelDeductionBreakfastToggled(
        TravelDeductionsStateBuilder state,
        TravelDeductionBreakfastToggledAction action) =>
      ..days = {
        if (d[action.index]
            .contains(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST)) {
              .rebuild((p0) => p0.remove(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));
        } else {
              .rebuild((p0) => p0.add(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));

days looks like this:

TravelDeduction {
}, TravelDeduction {

No matter what I do, deductions are always empty even though condition is met. Does someone know what am I missing here? Should I provide additional info so that someone can help out?

davidmorgan commented 2 years ago

Doing rebuild by itself doesn't modify anything; it returns a new instance. So you need to assign it to something. This snippet:

              .rebuild((p0) => p0.remove(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));

is throwing away the result; it needs to be something like

_d[action.index].deductions = d[action.index]
              .rebuild((p0) => p0.remove(TravelDeductionType.BREAKFAST));

there may be others, I didn't check the whole thing carefully, but that should be a start :)

komritza commented 2 years ago

Thanks for fast reply! I still have an issue where d[action.index].deductions = .... deductions is red underlined with the message

There isn’t a setter named 'deductions' in class 'TravelDeduction'.
Try correcting the name to reference an existing setter, or declare the setter.

So I definitely did something wrong.

davidmorgan commented 2 years ago

Then something like

d[action.index] = d[action.index].rebuild((b) => b.deductions = ...)
komritza commented 2 years ago

IT WORKED! This was such a painful thing for me, but I learned a lot on the way! I really appreciate your work!

davidmorgan commented 2 years ago

Great, happy to help :)