google / cameraview

[DEPRECATED] Easily integrate Camera features into your Android app
Apache License 2.0
4.74k stars 1.03k forks source link

CameraView - match_parent issue - Urgent! #254

Open Wang-Jong opened 5 years ago

Wang-Jong commented 5 years ago

First of all, I say this is a great library. With the help of this, I can easily implement a custom camera view in my application. Here is my problem.

I'd like to show a full-screen preview window. When camera view height is set wrap_content, it works well. But when it is match_parent, the taken picture is different from what it is shown in the preview window. It's pushed a little to the left. I did everything I can. I set adjustViewBounds to true, aspectRatio to 16:9, but it doesn't work.

Can anybody help me fix this issue? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

I need your help.