google / cel-go

Fast, portable, non-Turing complete expression evaluation with gradual typing (Go)
Apache License 2.0
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Add support for struct tag name overrides in native types #941

Closed patrickpichler closed 3 months ago

patrickpichler commented 4 months ago

In order to customize how to fields of native types can be accessed via CEL, struct tag support has been added. It is now possible to provide a struct field tag, that will act as the name for the corresponding field.

Here an example

type Person struct {
  Name string
  Age  int `cel:"age"`

and here is how to access the Age field from CEL:


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## Reviews

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TristonianJones commented 4 months ago


TristonianJones commented 4 months ago

Thanks @patrickpichler! This seems like a very nice win.

quantumsheep commented 4 months ago

Wow I just discovered this PR after creating #942! My PR fixes an issue not fixed in yours but completely related to the same use-case

patrickpichler commented 3 months ago

@TristonianJones I've updated the code, would be nice if you could have another look :)

TristonianJones commented 3 months ago


TristonianJones commented 3 months ago

@patrickpichler thanks for the contribution!