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Documentation missing default language_in and language_out modes #3679

Open juj opened 4 years ago

juj commented 4 years ago

In wiki page, the docs

--language_in VAL
Sets the language spec to which input sources should conform. Options: ECMASCRIPT3, ECMASCRIPT5, ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT, ECMASCRIPT6_TYPED (experimental), ECMASCRIPT_2015, ECMASCRIPT_2016, ECMASCRIPT_2017, ECMASCRIPT_2018, ECMASCRIPT_2019, STABLE, ECMASCRIPT_NEXT

--language_out VAL
Sets the language spec to which output should conform. Options: ECMASCRIPT3, ECMASCRIPT5, ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT, ECMASCRIPT_2015, ECMASCRIPT_2016, ECMASCRIPT_2017, ECMASCRIPT_2018, ECMASCRIPT_2019, STABLE

do not say what are the default options for these settings. That would be good to add?

Also, it would be good to describe the behavior of what happens if one passes only one of --language_in, or --language_out, but not the other? (e.g. does --language_in ECMASCRIPT_2018 without an explicitly specified --language_out directive imply --language_out ECMASCRIPT_2018? Or does e.g. --language_out ECMASCRIPT_2018 without an explicitly specified --language_in directive imply --language_in ECMASCRIPT_2018?)

juj commented 4 years ago

Also it seems that there is an option --language_out NO_TRANSPILE, but that is not documented in the list?

Also, related question I have is:

If one specifies --language_in ECMASCRIPT_2018, can/will Closure emit ES2018 constructs of its own (during the minification process) to the build output? How about if --language_in ECMASCRIPT_2018 --language_out NO_TRANSPILE is passed?

What I would like to achieve is to enable the source code that I am minifying to (possibly) contain ES 2018 constructs, but have Closure not emit any ES 2018 constructs by itself during minification process, but only emit ES5 constructs.

In other words, is there a set of --language_in and --language_out flags, such that, given an input file that is either ECMASCRIPT_2018 or ES5 (at the time of invocation it is unknown which):

The motivation for this comes from providing a set of default flags for Emscripten compiler's Closure operation.

brad4d commented 4 years ago

I'll try to answer your questions here, then maybe use this to update the docs.

The default value for --language_in is STABLE. The default value for --language_out is whatever --language_in is.

What STABLE means depends on whether it's used for --language_in or --language_out. In general for input it means the highest level of the released ES spec we currently support. For output it means the lowest level of ES spec we think it's reasonable for an application to be still trying to support.

At the moment STABLE means:

--language_in --language_out

We promise not to output any language features higher than --language_out, but that doesn't mean we promise we'll never upgrade input code to use newer language features.

For historical and ease-of-maintenance reasons we rarely ever output newer language features than those that originally appeared in the input, but there are some cases where we do.

We'll likely do it more in the future, since newer language features often also allow us to output less code.

So, no, there's no combination of options that would guarantee not to add newer features without also transpiling away those features if they appear in the input.

brad4d commented 4 years ago

Logic for interpreting the command line options is here.

Oh, also, NO_TRANSPILE is only valid for --language_out

and means the same thing as not specifying --language_out at all.

Which looks really suspiciously like NO_TRANSPILE, means no output features until you look at the implementation of getOutputFeatureSet()

It seems likely that some cleanup could be done here. :)