google / closure-templates

A client- and server-side templating system that helps you dynamically build reusable HTML and UI elements
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Cannot read property 'assertType' of undefined when using soyutils.js on soy generated by compileToJsSrc #127

Open craph opened 7 years ago

craph commented 7 years ago

Take the following template :

{template .root}
    {@param convention: string}
    <!-- ko bindchildren: false -->
        <div class="shimTimePicker">{$convention}</div>
    <!-- /ko -->

This template produce this JavaScript file output :

if (typeof eca == 'undefined') { var eca = {}; }
if (typeof eca.templates == 'undefined') { eca.templates = {}; }
if (typeof eca.templates.timepicker == 'undefined') { eca.templates.timepicker = {}; }

eca.templates.timepicker.root = function(opt_data, opt_ignored, opt_ijData) {
  soy.asserts.assertType(goog.isString(opt_data.convention) || (opt_data.convention instanceof, 'convention', opt_data.convention, 'string|');
  var convention = /** @type {string|} */ (opt_data.convention);
  return soydata.VERY_UNSAFE.ordainSanitizedHtml('<!-- ko bindchildren: false --><div class="timepicker hidden' + ((convention != 'oc_na') ? ' notam' : '') + '" data-bind="css: {hidden: !visible()}"><div data-bind="foreach: times"><div class="row" data-bind="click:$, class:classes"><div class="container"><div class="time"><!-- ko ifnot: $parent.delcol() --><span data-bind="text:displayHour()"></span>:<span data-bind="text:displayMinute()"></span>&nbsp;<span data-bind="text:ampm"></span><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.delcol() --><span data-bind="text: delcolTimeSlotDisplay"></span><!-- /ko --></div><div class="info" data-bind="text:info"></div><div class="spacer"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="shimTimePicker"></div><!-- /ko -->');
if (goog.DEBUG) {
  eca.templates.timepicker.root.soyTemplateName = 'eca.templates.timepicker.root';

But I am getting this error : Cannot read property 'assertType' of undefined

I am using the soy-2016-08-25 Maven dependency and the latest version of closure-templates-for-javascript via :


In soyutils.js I cannot find this function : soy.asserts.assertType(...)

Also I am using jQuery 1.7.2 and latest version of KnockoutJS.

Please could you help me with this ? What I am doing wrong ?

Remarks : I am trying to move from the first version of closure template '1.0' to the latest. I have no errors in my Java side.

On the Java side, here is my code to generate Js from Soy File :

final SoyFileSet soyFileSet = SoyFileSet.builder().add(preparedContent, resource.getName()).add(commonPrepared, common.getName()).build();
if ("soy".equals(type)) {
    tofus.put(tofuKey, new SoyTofuOrJavaScript(soyFileSet.compileToTofu()));
} else if ("js".equals(type)) {
    final SoyJsSrcOptions jsOpt = new SoyJsSrcOptions();
    tofus.put(tofuKey, new SoyTofuOrJavaScript(Joiner.on(';').join(soyFileSet.compileToJsSrc(jsOpt, null))));

And to render it :

if (Arrays.asList(NEED_CONTENTKIND_JS).contains(templateName)) {
    return renderer.setData(data).setContentKind(ContentKind.JS).render();
} else {
    return renderer.setData(data).render();

Thank you very much. Best regards.

lukesandberg commented 7 years ago

This must mean that your version of soyutils is out of date. Maybe you have multiple versions floating around? On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 4:55 PM craph wrote:

Take the following template :

/* */ {template .root} {@param convention: string}

  <div class="shimTimePicker">{$convention}</div>


This template produce this JavaScript file output :

if (typeof eca == 'undefined') { var eca = {}; }if (typeof eca.templates == 'undefined') { eca.templates = {}; }if (typeof eca.templates.timepicker == 'undefined') { eca.templates.timepicker = {}; } eca.templates.timepicker.root = function(opt_data, opt_ignored, opt_ijData) { soy.asserts.assertType(goog.isString(opt_data.convention) || (opt_data.convention instanceof, 'convention', opt_data.convention, 'string|'); var convention = /* @type {string|} / (opt_data.convention); return soydata.VERY_UNSAFE.ordainSanitizedHtml('

'); };if (goog.DEBUG) { eca.templates.timepicker.root.soyTemplateName = 'eca.templates.timepicker.root'; }

But I am getting this error : Cannot read property 'assertType' of undefined

I am using the latest version of the Maven dependency and the latest version of closure-templates-for-javascript via :


In soyutils.js I cannot find this function : soy.asserts.assertType(...)

Also I am using jQuery 1.7.2 and latest version of KnockoutJS.

Please could you help me with this ? What I am doing wrong ?

Remarks : I am trying to move from the first version of closure template '1.0' to the latest. I have no errors in my Java side.

On the Java side, here is my code to generate Js from Soy File :

final SoyFileSet soyFileSet = SoyFileSet.builder().add(preparedContent, resource.getName()).add(commonPrepared, common.getName()).build();if ("soy".equals(type)) { tofus.put(tofuKey, new SoyTofuOrJavaScript(soyFileSet.compileToTofu())); } else if ("js".equals(type)) { final SoyJsSrcOptions jsOpt = new SoyJsSrcOptions(); tofus.put(tofuKey, new SoyTofuOrJavaScript(Joiner.on(';').join(soyFileSet.compileToJsSrc(jsOpt, null)))); }

And to render it :

if (Arrays.asList(NEED_CONTENTKIND_JS).contains(templateName)) { return renderer.setData(data).setContentKind(ContentKind.JS).render(); } else { return renderer.setData(data).render(); }

Thank you very much. Best regards.

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craph commented 7 years ago

I have only one version of soyutils.

I have downloaded this version here : Closure Template Doc

Where can I found the latest version of soyutils ???

lukesandberg commented 7 years ago

The GitHub repo has the _usegoog version which is up to date. I forget exactly how we publish the version without closure.... perhaps there is a mvn build for it. The version on the developers site is out of date.

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 8:28 AM craph wrote:

I have only one version of soyutils.

I have downloaded this version here : http://url

Where can I found the latest version of soyutils ?

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craph commented 7 years ago

Could you have a look to provide us the correct soyutil.js ? or give me the correct way to have it ? Without this soyutils.js I can't use <param_type> like string and others I only can use "?" as param_type

As mentionned in the developper site, the soyutils_usegoog.js is required when using closure library. But in my case, I am not using closure library.

craph commented 7 years ago

In simple-usage.html in this repo you it's mention to use soyutils.js <script type="text/javascript" src="../soyutils.js"></script> But I can't find this file on the repo

lukesandberg commented 7 years ago

@mikesamuel do you know how the soyutils.js publishing works?

@craph the file is generated by combining the js files in this directory: into a final single file

craph commented 7 years ago

@lukesandberg What is the best way to use closure template in Javascript ? is it by using soyutils_usegoog.js ?

In my case, I think is by using soyutils.js because I am not using closure library.

Is it possible to have the developper site up-to-date too ?

craph commented 7 years ago

@lukesandberg have you found any way to generate soyutils.js ?

I have checked the pom but nothing about this file.

How is it possible because the developer site talks about soyutils.js ?

craph commented 7 years ago

@lukesandberg , @mikesamuel , I think the reason why soyutils.js is missing is because of these commits : Deprecate soyutils.js and recommend the _usegoog version. and Remove the non-Closure version of Soyutils.

But could you explain and update the documentation on how to use the _usegoog version and which files of closure library should be included in project to have all working nicely ?

mikesamuel commented 7 years ago

Sorry to take so long to weigh in on this thread. should let you build a master JS file with the JS files in closure_templates/javascript/*.js.

I haven't tested this, but something like

closure_library> closure/bin/build/ -o script --output=/tmp/soyutils.js \
  --root closure \
  -i ../closure_templates/javascript/soyutils_usegoog.js \
  -i ../closure_templates/javascript/soydata_converters.js \
  -i ../closure_templates/javascript/jspb_conversions.js

should work assuming you've got a local clone of closure_library and closure_templates. If you're using idom, you'd need -i ../closure_tempaltes/javascript/soyutils_idom.js.

We could probably provide these bundles as part of the release.

craph commented 7 years ago

@mikesamuel I don't have a clone of closure_library and closure_template on local.

Moreover, the link you provide return "not found" and point to this url :

As mention in my previous comment, I think the reason why soyutils.js is missing is because of these commits : Deprecate soyutils.js and recommend the _usegoog version. and Remove the non-Closure version of Soyutils.

So to use closure_templates in the right way could you explain and update the documentation on how to use the _usegoog version and which files of closure library should be included in project to have all working nicely ?

I have created an issue for that #129

Many thanks

mikesamuel commented 7 years ago

@craph , Sorry. Fixed the link. I'll learn to markdown one of these days.

craph commented 7 years ago

@mikesamuel , I am waiting your explanations on this issue #129 about how to use _usegoog version because soyutils.js is the deprecated one version as mention here : Deprecate soyutils.js and recommend the _usegoog version. and Remove the non-Closure version of Soyutils.

I will be very happy to use closure-template in Javascript in the best way by using _usegoog 👍

Pending corrections about documentation and examples I will try to generate soyutils.js but I have to install Python and clone the two repo but I don"t have any time to do that...

craph commented 7 years ago

@mikesamuel @lukesandberg , I have tried to generate soyutils.js with python but I didn"t succeed.

Please could you give us the right way to use _usegoog version and document this in #129 .

My team and I are waiting about it because we have many constraints to use the latest version of closure-template with others library in our project.

Many thanks

craph commented 7 years ago

@mikesamuel @lukesandberg ,

Please could you give us the right way to use soyutils_usegoog.js version and document this in #129 .

Which files of closure-library must be used to use closure-template in JavaScript ?

My team and I are waiting about it because we have many constraints to use the latest version of closure-template with others library in our project.

Many thanks

craph commented 7 years ago

@mikesamuel @lukesandberg ,

Please could you give us the right way to use soyutils_usegoog.js version and document this in #129 .

Which files of closure-library must be used to use closure-template in JavaScript ?

My team and I are waiting about it because we have many constraints to use the latest version of closure-template with others library in our project.

Many thanks

craph commented 7 years ago

Hi @mikesamuel , @lukesandberg

My Team and I are waiting for an explanation on how to use the soyutils_usegoog.js and our project is still blocked because of that.

So please could you have a look and tell us the correct way asap ?

I have wrote a new issue #132 to explain that javascript in this github repo and documentation on developer site are not up-to-date.

In advance, many thanks for your help.

Best regards

craph commented 7 years ago

Hi @mikesamuel , @lukesandberg

Any updates would be very appreciated.


craph commented 7 years ago

Hi @lukesandberg, @mikesamuel, @fenghaolw Any updates would be very appreciated.

Thank you very much!

craph commented 7 years ago

Hi @lukesandberg, @mikesamuel, @fenghaolw,

Sorry for all my comments but can we have the visibility about this issue because my team and I and our projects are still blocked because the documentation and examples in this Github repo doesn't explain the right way on how to use closure template in Javascript with soyutils_usegoog.js.

Can you explain what is the Javascript files of "closure library" we must includes to be able to use soyutils_usegoog.js ?!

Thank you very much!

Best regards.

craph commented 7 years ago

Any news please ?

Can you explain what is the Javascript files of "closure library" we must includes to be able to use soyutils_usegoog.js ?!

Thank you very much!

Best regards.

tntim96 commented 7 years ago

Hi @mikesamuel ,

I got the following when I ran your example: error: ambiguous option: --output (--output_file, --output_mode?)

Swapping output to output_file gave:

closure/bin/build/ Scanning paths...
closure/bin/build/ 1553 sources scanned.
closure/bin/build/ Building dependency tree..
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "closure/bin/build/", line 293, in <module>
  File "closure/bin/build/", line 229, in main
    tree = depstree.DepsTree(sources)
  File "/home/tim/dev/closure-library/closure/bin/build/", line 56, in __init__
    raise NamespaceNotFoundError(require, source)
depstree.NamespaceNotFoundError: Namespace "goog.async.Deferred" never provided. Required in PathSource closure/goog/db/index.js

However, I did build a working JS file with the following:

closure/bin/build/ --namespace=soy -o script --output_file=../closure-templates/soyutils-built.js \
  closure/goog/base.js \
  closure/goog/array/array.js \
  closure/goog/asserts/asserts.js \
  closure/goog/debug/debug.js \
  closure/goog/debug/error.js \
  closure/goog/dom/asserts.js \
  closure/goog/dom/browserfeature.js \
  closure/goog/dom/dom.js \
  closure/goog/dom/htmlelement.js \
  closure/goog/dom/nodetype.js \
  closure/goog/dom/safe.js \
  closure/goog/dom/tagname.js \
  closure/goog/dom/tags.js \
  closure/goog/format/format.js \
  closure/goog/fs/url.js \
  closure/goog/functions/functions.js \
  closure/goog/html/legacyconversions.js \
  closure/goog/html/safehtml.js \
  closure/goog/html/safescript.js \
  closure/goog/html/safestyle.js \
  closure/goog/html/safestylesheet.js \
  closure/goog/html/safeurl.js \
  closure/goog/html/trustedresourceurl.js \
  closure/goog/html/uncheckedconversions.js \
  closure/goog/i18n/bidi.js \
  closure/goog/i18n/bidiformatter.js \
  closure/goog/i18n/graphemebreak.js \
  closure/goog/iter/iter.js \
  closure/goog/labs/useragent/browser.js \
  closure/goog/labs/useragent/engine.js \
  closure/goog/labs/useragent/platform.js \
  closure/goog/labs/useragent/util.js \
  closure/goog/object/object.js \
  closure/goog/math/coordinate.js \
  closure/goog/math/math.js \
  closure/goog/math/size.js \
  closure/goog/reflect/reflect.js \
  closure/goog/soy/data.js \
  closure/goog/soy/soy.js \
  closure/goog/string/const.js \
  closure/goog/string/string.js \
  closure/goog/string/stringbuffer.js \
  closure/goog/string/typedstring.js \
  closure/goog/structs/inversionmap.js \
  closure/goog/structs/structs.js \
  closure/goog/structs/map.js \
  closure/goog/uri/uri.js \
  closure/goog/uri/utils.js \
  closure/goog/useragent/useragent.js \

...and in the resulting file set = true;

I do have some questions though @mikesamuel :

  1. Does this look right to you?
  2. Do the script errors from your script make sense to you?
  3. Can you comment on the difference in my script and yours? I found I had to explicitly list the files to get it to work.
  4. What versions of closure-templates and closure-library are compatible and are there git tags for these versions.
  5. Is there a closure builder option so I don't manually have to set = true;
  6. Are there instructions coming with this commit that I should wait for?
