google / clusterfuzzlite

ClusterFuzzLite - Simple continuous fuzzing that runs in CI.
Apache License 2.0
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Allow to customize FUZZ_SECONDS option per target #125

Open Tpt opened 1 year ago

Tpt commented 1 year ago

First thank you so much for clusterfuzzlite. I have a great time using it in Oxigraph.

Oxigraph provides multiple targets, some fuzzing simple parsers and one fuzzing the query optimizer. The query optimizer target is way slower than the parsing ones, requirering much more time to yield interesting results or even to go through the already existing corpus. I would love a way to set different time limit per target or have an option in the google/clusterfuzzlite/actions/run_fuzzers GitHub to only run a specific list of targets instead of all of them.

jonathanmetzman commented 1 year ago

This is a good idea. I might have an idea how to do this using existing solutions because I think implementing it as is would kind of do violence to our code.

Tpt commented 1 year ago

I might have an idea how to do this using existing solutions

That would be perfect! Thank you!