google / cordova-plugin-browsertab

A Cordova plugin that provides an interface to in-app browser tabs that exist on some mobile platforms, such as SFSafariViewController on iOS and CustomTabs on Android.
Apache License 2.0
117 stars 147 forks source link

Keep Cookie Jar #1

Closed Slind14 closed 7 years ago

Slind14 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I was hoping that when using this lib it would share the chrome and safari cookie jar, unfortunately that didn't work in my tests. Would this be possible?

iainmcgin commented 7 years ago

That should be the case, if it is launching the custom tab / safari view controller correctly. An easy way to test would be to sign in to Google in the browser, then use the plugin to open to see if it is signed in. If not, something is going wrong :/

Slind14 commented 7 years ago

Yeah the issue is that it does not. Does it work for you?

Slind14 commented 7 years ago

This is all it says:

I20160924-02:13:21.227(2)? 09-24 02:13:20.916  3584  3584 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
I20160924-02:13:21.299(2)? 09-24 02:13:21.080  3584  3584 E chromium: [] Failed to init browser shader disk cache.
I20160924-02:13:21.299(2)? 09-24 02:13:21.099  3584  3584 E chromium: [] Not implemented reached in virtual bool xwalk::XWalkPlatformNotificationService::GetDisplayedPersistentNotifications(content::BrowserContext*, std::__1::set<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > >*)
I20160924-02:13:21.300(2)? 09-24 02:13:21.104  3584  3584 E chromium: [] Failed to read preference, error num: 0
I20160924-02:13:21.300(2)? 09-24 02:13:21.281  3584  3730 I chromium: [] EXTENSION PROCESS DISABLED.
I20160924-02:13:21.300(2)? 09-24 02:13:21.302  3584  3584 I MeteorWebApp: Serving asset bundle with version: 3a75a23f289e16e5fde3953b870176a8039c0405
I20160924-02:13:21.300(2)? 09-24 02:13:21.602  3584  3584 E chromium: [] Forcing zero-copy tile initialization as worker context is missing
I20160924-02:13:23.227(2)? 09-24 02:13:23.899  3584  3584 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(787)] "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:", source: http://localhost:12128/packages/modules.js?hash=d4a0c34f89ecb9ffb0089764682f38ab21f3fb57 (787)
I20160924-02:13:24.217(2)? 09-24 02:13:24.908  3584  3584 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "SVG's SMIL animations (<animate>, <set>, etc.) are deprecated and will be removed. Please use CSS animations or Web animations instead.", source:  (0)
I20160924-02:13:53.733(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.423  4081  4081 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
I20160924-02:13:53.768(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.460  4081  4081 E chromium: [] Failed to init browser shader disk cache.
I20160924-02:13:53.791(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.482  4081  4081 E chromium: [] Not implemented reached in virtual bool xwalk::XWalkPlatformNotificationService::GetDisplayedPersistentNotifications(content::BrowserContext*, std::__1::set<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > >*)
I20160924-02:13:53.797(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.488  4081  4081 E chromium: [] Failed to read preference, error num: 0
I20160924-02:13:53.953(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.644  4081  4183 I chromium: [] EXTENSION PROCESS DISABLED.
I20160924-02:13:53.980(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.669  4081  4081 I MeteorWebApp: Serving asset bundle with version: 3a75a23f289e16e5fde3953b870176a8039c0405
I20160924-02:13:54.247(2)? 09-24 02:13:54.937  4081  4081 E chromium: [] Forcing zero-copy tile initialization as worker context is missing
I20160924-02:13:56.518(2)? 09-24 02:13:57.210  4081  4081 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(787)] "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience:", source: http://localhost:12128/packages/modules.js?hash=d4a0c34f89ecb9ffb0089764682f38ab21f3fb57 (787)
WilliamDenniss commented 7 years ago

Hi, can you clarify what you mean by "share the chrome and safari cookie jar"?

When this plugin launches a SFSafariViewController on iOS, the SafariViewController will share the cookies with Safari. Likewise on Android, the Chrome Custom Tab shares the cookies with Chrome. But it doesn't mean there's any sharing between the browser and the Cordova app itself.

Slind14 commented 7 years ago

I used the wording from the chrome custom tab documentation. What I expect it to do is, when I'm signed into a website on chrome mobile, that I'm signed into that website when I open it via. a custom tab. I know this feature from the slack app (where the cookie jar is shared/web logins persist) and looked into how they did it. Finding the chrome custom tab feature with the cookie jar. Hence I asked if it is implemented/should work.

Slind14 commented 7 years ago

Ahh, I found the issue. It shares the cookie jar with chrome but links to chrome beta. Meaning, when I sign into a site on chrome stable, I'm signed into on the custom tab, too. But when telling the custom tab to open it in browser (3 point icon at the top right) it launches it in chrome beta which is the default browser. Sorry, its based on my device configuration. Slack seems to pick the default browsers jar, hence its working on there..