google / cordova-plugin-browsertab

A Cordova plugin that provides an interface to in-app browser tabs that exist on some mobile platforms, such as SFSafariViewController on iOS and CustomTabs on Android.
Apache License 2.0
117 stars 147 forks source link

Plugin overrides android minSdkVersion to 16 #17

Open dorgold opened 7 years ago

dorgold commented 7 years ago

This plugin causes cordova to disregard the minSdk version set in config.xml.

For example, if i have the following line in my config.xml: <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="21" />

This plugin causes cordova to build my android app with version 16 as the target (and not 21 as i asked).

knvpk commented 7 years ago

Yeah same issue for me also. What is the quick work ardound for this to give update.

ashvinmay commented 6 years ago

For quick fix, create build-extras.gradle with following def minSdkVersion = 21 cdvMinSdkVersion = minSdkVersion ext.cdvMinSdkVersion = minSdkVersion

Copy this file to /platforms/android/ folder. You can either do it manually or can write a hook

ffMathy commented 5 years ago

This is highly critical and should be resolved.

Icety commented 5 years ago

Here is a hook that fixes the problem:

Add to config.xml:

<platform name="android">
<hook src="scripts/afterAddBrowserTabPlugin.js" type="after_plugin_add" />

create file: cordova/scripts/afterAddBrowserTabPlugin.js

const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = function(ctx) {
    var Q = ctx.requireCordovaModule('q');
    var deferral = new Q.defer();

    if (ctx.opts.plugins.includes('cordova-plugin-browsertab')) {

        let file = ctx.opts.projectRoot + '/plugins/cordova-plugin-browsertab/src/android/BrowserTab.gradle';


    return deferral.promise;

function checkForFix(file) {
    fs.readFile(file, function read(err, data) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;

        if (!data.includes('minSdkFix')) {

function writeFix(file) {
    fs.appendFile(file, '\n\n// minSdkFix\nminSdkVersion = 21;\ncdvMinSdkVersion = minSdkVersion;\n' +
        'ext.cdvMinSdkVersion = minSdkVersion;', function(err) {
        if (err) {
            console.log('Adding minSdkFix failed: ' + err);
        console.log("Writing success!");
illja96 commented 4 years ago

I have some issues with ctx.requireCordovaModule('q') and using Ionic commands, so I find next solution based on @Icety code:

  1. Add next line in config.xml in <platform name="android"> section: <hook src="hooks/browserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook.js" type="after_plugin_add" />

  2. Create hooks folder in project root and add browserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook.js with next code:

    const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = function (ctx) { console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Activated');

let isBrowserTabPlugin = ctx.opts.plugins.findIndex(pluginName => pluginName.includes('cordova-plugin-browsertab')) !== -1;
if (isBrowserTabPlugin) {
    console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Plugin detected');

    let browserTabGradleFilePath = ctx.opts.projectRoot + '/plugins/cordova-plugin-browsertab/src/android/BrowserTab.gradle';
} else {
    console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Plugin not detected');

console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Dectivated');


function fixBrowserTabGradleFile(browserTabGradleFilePath) { fs.readFile(browserTabGradleFilePath, function read(error, fileDataBuffer) { if (error) { console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Failed to read file'); throw error; }

    let fileAsString = fileDataBuffer.toString();

    const isFixNeeded = fileAsString.includes('def minSdkVersion = 16');
    if (!isFixNeeded) {
        console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Fix already applied');

    fileAsString = fileAsString.replace('def minSdkVersion = 16', 'def minSdkVersion = 19');

    fs.writeFileSync(browserTabGradleFilePath, fileAsString);

    console.log('[BrowserTabPluginMinSdkVersionFixHook] Fix applied');


3. Run `cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-browsertab`
4. Run `cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-browsertab`
5. Run `cordova platform remove android`
6. Run `cordova platform add android`
robsco-git commented 4 years ago

The above solutions did not work for me so I wrote a little script and added it to my package.json:

scripts: {
    "monkey-patch-cordova-plugin-browsertab": "sed -i 's/def minSdkVersion = 16/def minSdkVersion = 19/g' ./platforms/android/cordova-plugin-browsertab/safepace-BrowserTab.gradle"

I run npm run monkey-patch-cordova-plugin-browsertab just before cordova run android in another package.json script.