e: [ksp] BindingMethodProcessingStep was unable to process 'bindAndroidInjectorFactory(repro.ksp.issue3.FooModule_ContributeFoo.FooSubcomponent.Factory)' because 'error.NonExistentClass' could not be resolved.
Dependency trace:
=> element (CLASS): repro.ksp.issue3.FooModule_ContributeFoo
=> element (INTERFACE): repro.ksp.issue3.FooModule_ContributeFoo.FooSubcomponent
=> element (INTERFACE): repro.ksp.issue3.FooModule_ContributeFoo.FooSubcomponent.Factory
=> annotation type: Factory
=> type (ERROR annotation type): error.NonExistentClass
If type 'error.NonExistentClass' is a generated type, check above for compilation errors that may have prevented the type from being generated. Otherwise, ensure that type 'error.NonExistentClass' is on your classpath.
When using:
Given an injectable class:
and a Dagger module for that class:
and a module which includes that module:
Results in the following processing error: