***** Running the command:*****
time /opt/deepvariant/bin/call_variants --outfile "tmp/call_variants_output.tfrecord.gz" --examples "tmp/make_examples.tfrecord@4.gz" --checkpoint "/opt/models/wes" --parse_sam_aux_fields --use_original_quality_scores
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/tensorflow_addons/utils/tfa_eol_msg.py:23: UserWarning:
TensorFlow Addons (TFA) has ended development and introduction of new features.
TFA has entered a minimal maintenance and release mode until a planned end of life in May 2024.
Please modify downstream libraries to take dependencies from other repositories in our TensorFlow community (e.g. Keras, Keras-CV, and Keras-NLP).
For more information see: https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/issues/2807
FATAL Flags parsing error: Unknown command line flag 'parse_sam_aux_fields'
Pass --helpshort or --helpfull to see help on flags.
Operating system:
DeepVariant version: 1.6.1
Installation method (Docker, built from source, etc.): Docker
Type of data: (sequencing instrument, reference genome, anything special that is unlike the case studies?)
Steps to reproduce:
nf-test test --verbose tests/variant_calling_deepvariant.nf.test --profile "+docker"
Have you checked the FAQ? https://github.com/google/deepvariant/blob/r1.6.1/docs/FAQ.md:
Describe the issue:
I am trying to add the flags --parse_sam_aux_fields=true --use_original_quality_scores=true when samples were recalibrated: https://github.com/nf-core/sarek/pull/1733/files
which resolves too:
However when I run this, it throws:
Steps to reproduce:
Does the quick start test work on your system? Please test with https://github.com/google/deepvariant/blob/r1.6/docs/deepvariant-quick-start.md. Is there any way to reproduce the issue by using the quick start?
Any additional context: