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Querying for dependent packages #3

Closed vasumv closed 1 year ago

vasumv commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to query the dependents of a particular package using the API? The info is available on the website (e.g. ). Currently, it seems like the API has support for fetching the dependency graph, but I'm wondering if the dependent data could also be exposed.


sarnesjo commented 1 year ago

Popular packages can have hundreds of thousands of dependents (example), which makes them tricky to serve via the API, at least as currently designed. This is also why we only show a precomputed sample of the dependents on the website.

You can however use our BigQuery dataset to compute all dependents of a given package version, with a query similar to this one:

agmond commented 1 year ago

I'll be glad to get via API at least the Security Advisories of the sub-dependencies of a package, as we can get from the website. For example, if I use version 2.72.3 of serverless package, I can see here the Security Advisories of the sub-dependencies as well (simple-git in this case, although it’s not a direct sub-dependency). How can I get this data via the API?


adg commented 1 year ago


  1. Do a GetDependencies call for the package version you're interested in.
  2. For each node in the response, do a GetVersion call, and inspect the advisoryKeys field in the returned objects.
agmond commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @adg. It would be helpful to have this ability with a single API call, because for a package with thousands of (sub-)dependencies one should call the GetVersion API thousands of times

sarnesjo commented 1 year ago

Hi @agmond! I filed #16 to discuss including advisories (and other things, such as licenses), and will close this issue, as the original question about dependents has been answered.