google / draco

Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics.
Apache License 2.0
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Wrong componentType (too many vertices for uint8) #1086

Open julienduroure opened 2 weeks ago

julienduroure commented 2 weeks ago


In this file [0], the componentType of the indices accessor seems to be wrong.

problem_tile.glb ```jsonc { "asset":{ "version":"2.0", "generator":"draco_decoder", "copyright":"Google" }, "scenes":[ { "nodes":[ 0 ] } ], "scene":0, "nodes":[ { "mesh":0, "translation":[ 851227.05319905072, 4379922.724366514, 4543783.8765163999 ] } ], "meshes":[ { "primitives":[ { "attributes":{ "POSITION":1, "TEXCOORD_0":2 }, "indices":0, "mode":4, "material":0, "extensions":{ "KHR_draco_mesh_compression":{ "bufferView":0, "attributes":{ "POSITION":0, "TEXCOORD_0":1 } } } } ] } ], "accessors":[ { "componentType":5121, "count":513, "type":"SCALAR" }, { "componentType":5126, "count":314, "max":[ 53.494731903076172, 37.779499053955078, -9.2874250411987305 ], "min":[ -69.238937377929688, -95.882095336914062, -92.276382446289062 ], "type":"VEC3" }, { "componentType":5126, "count":314, "type":"VEC2" } ], "materials":[ { "pbrMetallicRoughness":{ "baseColorTexture":{ "index":0, "texCoord":0 }, "baseColorFactor":[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "metallicFactor":1, "roughnessFactor":1 }, "emissiveFactor":[ 0, 0, 0 ], "alphaMode":"OPAQUE", "extensions":{ "KHR_materials_unlit":{ } } } ], "textures":[ { "source":0, "sampler":0 } ], "samplers":[ { "wrapS":33071, "wrapT":33071 } ], "images":[ { "bufferView":1, "mimeType":"image/jpeg" } ], "bufferViews":[ { "buffer":0, "byteOffset":0, "byteLength":1108 }, { "buffer":0, "byteOffset":1108, "byteLength":3108 } ], "buffers":[ { "byteLength":4216 } ], "extensionsRequired":[ "KHR_draco_mesh_compression", "KHR_materials_unlit" ], "extensionsUsed":[ "KHR_draco_mesh_compression", "KHR_materials_unlit" ] } ```

Not sure how this file was created, but it is coming from Google 3D Tiles (so, Draco is also from google, so I hope you will be able to retrieve the right team)

The file has 314 vertices, so indices can't be stored on uint8 / componentType 5121

Originally reported on Blender glTF I/O repo: [1]

[0] : [1] :

julienduroure commented 12 hours ago

Hello, Any news on that?