I couldn't find any coding documentation or samples to list or play animations of a .glb file.
getAnimationCount() is missing in FilamentAsset
Build using the gltfio-20190808-android.aar and filament-20190808-android.aar but
gltfio android does not contain Animator
Does filament support raycast as in Sceneform to select and scale multiple models?
The C++ layer has an "Animator" object which is used by our gltf_viewer sample. However it looks like we have not yet provided JNI bindings for that, I'll fix that.
I couldn't find any coding documentation or samples to list or play animations of a .glb file.
is missing in FilamentAsset Build using the gltfio-20190808-android.aar and filament-20190808-android.aar but gltfio android does not contain AnimatorDoes filament support raycast as in Sceneform to select and scale multiple models?