google / flatbuffers

FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
Apache License 2.0
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Assertion `!nested' failed. #8219

Open palan1204 opened 5 months ago

palan1204 commented 5 months ago

I am getting Notnested assertion when i try to serialization of vector of vectors Here is my serialization code Not sure what went wrong.

const auto bufferSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(bufferEnd - bufferStart);
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
bool isSerialised = false;

    const AABMessageNewBaseTablesNotification& msg = dynamic_cast<const AABMessageNewBaseTablesNotification&>(message);

    // Move the creation of sub-objects above the FlatBufferBuilder construction
    std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<AAB::UpdatedBDTList>> updatedBDTListVector;
    const auto& updatedBDTList = msg.GetUpdatedBDTList();

    for (const auto& pair : updatedBDTList)
        auto TableList = VectorToFlatBufferVector(pair.second, builder);
        auto ServiceName  = builder.CreateString(pair.first);
        updatedBDTListVector.push_back(AAB::CreateUpdatedBDTList(builder, ServiceName, TableList));

    AAB::AABMessageNewBaseDataTablesNotificationBuilder messageBuilder(builder);

    auto messageOffset = messageBuilder.Finish();

    auto size = builder.GetSize();
    messageSize = size;

    if (size <= bufferSize) {
        auto span = builder.GetBufferPointer();  // Use GetBufferPointer instead of GetBufferSpan
        std::copy(span, span + size, bufferStart);
        isSerialised = (size != 0);
catch (const std::bad_cast&)

return isSerialised;

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