google / flatbuffers

FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
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Add prefix to import path when referencing generated modules [Python, flatc 24.3.25] #8345

Open c92s opened 1 week ago

c92s commented 1 week ago

Imagine, we have the following schema file:

namespace mydata;

table Data {

table Element {

root_type Element;

Running flatc --python -o . example.fbs --python-typing generates a directory mydata/ with an, a and a

As the Element references the Data table, it imports the class from that file:

# mydata/

import flatbuffers
from flatbuffers.compat import import_numpy
from typing import Any
from mydata.Data import Data
from typing import Optional

Is there a way, to modify the import statement from mydata.Data import Data to, e.g. from mylibray.mydata.Data import Data, without modifying the original schema files?