google / fonts

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Aganè typeface #1936

Open dema89 opened 5 years ago

dema89 commented 5 years ago

I would like to propose my Aganè font for Google Web font.

Other references:

felipesanches commented 4 years ago

hello, @dema89

Looking at the git repo we noticed that it lacks a license file. In order for us to even consider adding a font to the Google Fonts collection it needs to fulfill some basic requirements such as being licensed under "OFL 1.1 with no Reserved Font Name". You can accomplish that by adding the OFL.txt file to your repo (and not adding a "Reserved Font Name" clause to it)

You can copy the file from here:

But be sure to edit the first line in that file to place your name/email in there.

After we have that minimal legal requirement fulfilled, then we would need to check the technical quality of the project. We have some tools that we use for automatically checking these things. I will tell you more about the tools later.

We also have a review of the actual font design to see if it fits into the Google Fonts collection. The description that you gave on the README sounds good, but I haven't yet looked at the actual font files. Maybe someone else on the team may also help in that sense.

Let me know when you get the licensing updated on the repo so that we can move on to the next steps.

felipesanches commented 4 years ago

I have also noticed that the ZIP files in the repo contain only the TTFs. In order to continue, we would also need to have the font project files published on that same repo. I am not sure which font editor you used. If it was GlyphsApp, which is a commonly used one nowadays, then the font project files will be the .glyphs ones.

dema89 commented 4 years ago

I have also noticed that the ZIP files in the repo contain only the TTFs. In order to continue, we would also need to have the font project files published on that same repo. I am not sure which font editor you used. If it was GlyphsApp, which is a commonly used one nowadays, then the font project files will be the .glyphs ones.

Thank you for your answer. I have update file. I hope it's okay.

felipesanches commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I will ask some co-workers to take a look at this.

felipesanches commented 4 years ago

Just a quick note: Your font seems to be called Aganè, but in the OFL.txt file you typed "The Again Project Authors".

dema89 commented 4 years ago

Just a quick note: Your font seems to be called Aganè, but in the OFL.txt file you typed "The Again Project Authors".

I changed OFL.txt