google / fonts

Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
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Add new family Sudo (VF) #254

Open davelab6 opened 8 years ago

davelab6 commented 8 years ago

emmamarichal commented 2 years ago

Hello @jenskutilek,

I'm Emma, I work on Google Fonts onboarding. Here you can find the fontbakery report, there are some fails to fix. Cheers,

Note: axis to register: [ytde]

Fontbakery report

Fontbakery version: 0.8.9.dev3+gcf7de707

[1] Family checks
INFO: Check axis ordering on the STAT table. (
* ℹ **INFO** From a total of 1 font files, 0 of them (0.00%) lack a STAT table. And these are the most common STAT axis orderings: ('wght-ital-ytde', 1) [code: summary]

[27] SudoVariable.ttf
🔥 FAIL: Checking file is named canonically. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The file 'SudoVariable.ttf' must be renamed to 'SudoVar[ital,wght,ytde].ttf' according to the Google Fonts naming policy for variable fonts. [code: bad-varfont-filename]
🔥 FAIL: Checking OS/2 fsType does not impose restrictions. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** In this font fsType is set to 8 meaning that: The font may be embedded but must only be installed temporarily on other systems. No such DRM restrictions can be enabled on the Google Fonts collection, so the fsType field must be set to zero (Installable Embedding) instead. [code: drm]
🔥 FAIL: License URL matches License text on name table? (
* 🔥 **FAIL** A known license URL must be provided in the NameID 14 (LICENSE INFO URL) entry. Currently accepted licenses are Apache: '' or Open Font License: '' For a small set of legacy families the Ubuntu Font License '' may be acceptable as well. When in doubt, please choose OFL for new font projects. [code: no-license-found] * ⚠ **WARN** Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=3, enc=1, name=13] [code: http-in-description] * ⚠ **WARN** Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=3, enc=1, name=13] [code: http-in-description] * ⚠ **WARN** Please consider using HTTPS URLs at name table entry [plat=3, enc=1, name=13] [code: http-in-description] * ⚠ **WARN** For now we're still accepting http URLs, but you should consider using https instead. [code: http]
🔥 FAIL: Version format is correct in 'name' table? (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The NameID.VERSION_STRING (nameID=5) value must follow the pattern "Version X.Y" with X.Y greater than or equal to 1.000. Current version string is: "Version 0.063;FEAKit 1.0" [code: bad-version-strings] * 🔥 **FAIL** The NameID.VERSION_STRING (nameID=5) value must follow the pattern "Version X.Y" with X.Y greater than or equal to 1.000. Current version string is: "Version 0.063;FEAKit 1.0" [code: bad-version-strings]
🔥 FAIL: Copyright notices match canonical pattern in fonts (
* 🔥 **FAIL** Name Table entry: Copyright notices should match a pattern similar to: "Copyright 2019 The Familyname Project Authors (git url)" But instead we have got: "2009-2022 by Jens Kutilek" [code: bad-notice-format]
🔥 FAIL: Check glyphs do not have components which are themselves components. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The following glyphs have components which themselves are component glyphs: * Aacute * Abreve * uni1EAE * uni1EAE * uni1EB6 * uni1EB6 * uni1EB0 * uni1EB0 * uni1EB2 * uni1EB2 and 596 more. Use -F or --full-lists to disable shortening of long lists. [code: found-nested-components]
🔥 FAIL: Check that variable fonts have an HVAR table. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** All variable fonts on the Google Fonts collection must have a properly set HVAR table in order to avoid costly text-layout operations on certain platforms. [code: lacks-HVAR]
🔥 FAIL: Font enables smart dropout control in "prep" table instructions? (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The 'prep' table does not contain TrueType instructions enabling smart dropout control. To fix, export the font with autohinting enabled, or run ttfautohint on the font, or run the `gftools fix-nonhinting` script. [code: lacks-smart-dropout]
🔥 FAIL: Check font follows the Google Fonts CJK vertical metric schema (
* 🔥 **FAIL** OS/2 fsSelection bit 7 must be disabled [code: bad-fselection-bit7] * 🔥 **FAIL** OS/2.sTypoAscender is "832" it should be 901.12 [code: bad-OS/2.sTypoAscender] * 🔥 **FAIL** OS/2.sTypoDescender is "-192" it should be -122.88 [code: bad-OS/2.sTypoDescender]
🔥 FAIL: Check variable font instances have correct coordinate values (
* 🔥 **FAIL** Instance "Thin" wght value is "200.0". It should be "100.0" [code: bad-coordinate] * 🔥 **FAIL** Instance "Medium" wght value is "600.0". It should be "500.0" [code: bad-coordinate] * 🔥 **FAIL** Instance "Thin Italic" wght value is "200.0". It should be "100.0" [code: bad-coordinate] * 🔥 **FAIL** Instance "Medium Italic" wght value is "600.0". It should be "500.0" [code: bad-coordinate] * 🔥 **FAIL** Further info can be found in our spec
🔥 FAIL: Ensure VFs do not contain slnt or ital axes. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The "ital" axis is not yet well supported on Google Chrome. [code: unsupported-ital]
🔥 FAIL: Validate STAT particle names and values match the fallback names in GFAxisRegistry. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** Axis Value for 'wght':'Thin' is expected to be '100.0' but this font has 'Thin'='200.0'. [code: bad-coordinate] * 🔥 **FAIL** Axis Value for 'wght':'Medium' is expected to be '500.0' but this font has 'Medium'='600.0'. [code: bad-coordinate] * 🔥 **FAIL** On the font variation axis 'ital', the name 'Regular' is not among the expected ones (Roman, Italic) according to the Google Fonts Axis Registry. [code: invalid-name]
🔥 FAIL: Ensure component transforms do not perform scaling or rotation. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The following glyphs had components with scaling or rotation: * uni0186 (component C) * uni0245 (component V) * uni0259 (component e) * uni0265 (component h) * uni0254 (component c) * uni028C (component v) * uni044D (component uni0454) * exclamdown (component exclam) * questiondown (component question) * quotedblleft (component comma) * quotedblleft (component comma) * quoteleft (component comma) * quotereversed (component comma) * uni201F (component comma) * uni201F (component comma) * u1F620 (component emoji.mouth.grinning) * u1F621 (component emoji.mouth) * uni2639 (component emoji.mouth) * uni2387 (component uni2325) * revlogicalnot (component logicalnot) * uni02BB (component comma) * uniE0B2 (component uniE0B0) * uniE0B3 (component uniE0B1) [code: transformed-components]
🔥 FAIL: Checking correctness of monospaced metadata. (
* 🔥 **FAIL** The PANOSE numbers are incorrect for a monospaced font. Note: Family Type is set to 0, which does not seem right. [code: mono-bad-panose]
WARN: Is the Grid-fitting and Scan-conversion Procedure ('gasp') table set to optimize rendering? (
* ℹ **INFO** These are the ppm ranges declared on the gasp table: PPM <= 8: flag = 0x0A - Use grayscale rendering - Use smoothing along multiple axes with ClearType® PPM <= 16: flag = 0x07 - Use grid-fitting - Use grayscale rendering - Use gridfitting with ClearType symmetric smoothing PPM <= 96: flag = 0x0F - Use grid-fitting - Use grayscale rendering - Use gridfitting with ClearType symmetric smoothing - Use smoothing along multiple axes with ClearType® PPM <= 65535: flag = 0x0A - Use grayscale rendering - Use smoothing along multiple axes with ClearType® [code: ranges] * ⚠ **WARN** The gasp table has a range of 8 that may be unneccessary. [code: non-ffff-range] * ⚠ **WARN** The gasp table has a range of 16 that may be unneccessary. [code: non-ffff-range] * ⚠ **WARN** The gasp table has a range of 96 that may be unneccessary. [code: non-ffff-range] * ⚠ **WARN** The gasp range 0xFFFF value 0x0A should be set to 0x0F. [code: unset-flags]
WARN: Does the font contain less than 40 CJK characters? (
* ⚠ **WARN** There is only one CJK glyph when there needs to be at least 40 in order to support the smallest CJK writing system, Hangul. The following CJK glyphs were found: ['uni33D1'] Please check that these glyphs have the correct unicodes. [code: cjk-not-enough-glyphs]
WARN: Ensure fonts have ScriptLangTags declared on the 'meta' table. (
* ⚠ **WARN** This font file does not have a 'meta' table. [code: lacks-meta-table]
WARN: Check font contains no unreachable glyphs (
* ⚠ **WARN** The following glyphs could not be reached by codepoint or substitution rules: - two_fraction_seven - uni004A0301 - i.loclTRK - four_fraction_seven - uni03040306 - six_fraction_seven - five_fraction_seven - uni006A0301 - space.frac - And three_fraction_seven [code: unreachable-glyphs]
WARN: Does the font contain chws and vchw features? (
* ⚠ **WARN** chws feature not found in font. Use chws_tool ( to add it. [code: missing-chws-feature] * ⚠ **WARN** vchw feature not found in font. Use chws_tool ( to add it. [code: missing-vchw-feature]
WARN: Does the font have a DSIG table? (
* ⚠ **WARN** This font has a digital signature (DSIG table) which is only required - even if only a placeholder - on old programs like MS Office 2013 in order to work properly. The current recommendation is to completely remove the DSIG table. [code: found-DSIG]
WARN: Check glyphs in mark glyph class are non-spacing. (
* ⚠ **WARN** The following spacing glyphs may be in the GDEF mark glyph class by mistake: acutecomb (U+0301), (unencoded), dotbelowcomb (U+0323), gravecomb (U+0300), (unencoded), hookabovecomb (U+0309), (unencoded), tildecomb (U+0303), (unencoded), uni0302 (U+0302) and 44 more. Use -F or --full-lists to disable shortening of long lists. [code: spacing-mark-glyphs]
INFO: Show hinting filesize impact. (
* ℹ **INFO** Hinting filesize impact: | | SudoVariable.ttf | |:------------- | ---------------:| | Dehinted Size | 209.0kb | | Hinted Size | 228.7kb | | Increase | 19.7kb | | Change | 9.4 % | [code: size-impact]
INFO: Font has old ttfautohint applied? (
* ℹ **INFO** Could not detect which version of ttfautohint was used in this font. It is typically specified as a comment in the font version entries of the 'name' table. Such font version strings are currently: ['Version 0.063;FEAKit 1.0', 'Version 0.063;FEAKit 1.0'] [code: version-not-detected]
INFO: EPAR table present in font? (
* ℹ **INFO** EPAR table not present in font. To learn more see [code: lacks-EPAR]
INFO: Check for font-v versioning. (
* ℹ **INFO** Version string is: "Version 0.063;FEAKit 1.0" The version string must ideally include a git commit hash and either a "dev" or a "release" suffix such as in the example below: "Version 1.3; git-0d08353-release" [code: bad-format]
INFO: Font contains all required tables? (
* ℹ **INFO** This font contains the following optional tables: - cvt - fpgm - loca - prep - GSUB - And gasp [code: optional-tables]
INFO: List all superfamily filepaths (
* ℹ **INFO** . [code: family-path]


0 14 7 109 7 88 0
0% 6% 3% 48% 3% 39% 0%

Note: The following loglevels were omitted in this report:

jenskutilek commented 2 years ago

This GH issue comes as a bit of a surprise, as the Sudo family isn't a Google-commissioned font family at all. As such, it is a very slow work in progress, especially in the Greek and Cyrillic, as well as Thin and Bold weights, there is still a lot to do before it could be called finished.

Looking at the fontbakery report, I surely can change a few things, such as the axis tag and name for YTDE, which was put in by Glyphs as ytde though the axis is not officially registered; the embedding permissions, URLs, info fields, etc.

But overall it seems that the fonts would have to be "dumbed down" so to speak to fit Google's requirements

But before going into technical bug reports and details, I think the design should be finished in all the weights first.

Personally, I don't have the capacity to work on this at higher than glacial speed right now. @davelab6, feel free to commission somebody to finish the Greek and Cyrillic and icons, if you are so inclined :)

RosaWagner commented 2 years ago

Hi Jens, Apparently there is a misunderstanding on this project, we'll clear that up with Dave :)

davelab6 commented 2 years ago

@jenskutilek thanks for explaining that this is a OFL-track project, not commissioned, and considering the changes we recommend; totally understand that this is a hobby project moving slowly :) I'll add this to my list of commission candidates; maybe we can commission via your employer someday - but likely not this year.