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Naming for Noto Sans TC (Chinese Traditional) #274

Open hfhchan opened 8 years ago

hfhchan commented 8 years ago

The Noto Sans TC (Chinese Traditional) font uses glyphs that are not suitable for the Hong Kong locale, despite having coverage to a large subset. The font design neither follows commercially acceptable glyph standards in Hong Kong nor follows the Hong Kong government's "Guidelines on Character Glyphs for Chinese Computer Systems".

FYI, the glyphs for HB0, HB1 and HB2 currently in the Unicode Standard are NOT supplied by Hong Kong but instead are substituted as placeholders.

Please rename the font Noto Sans TC (Chinese Traditional) to Noto Sans TW (Chinese Traditional).

The same issue has been raised over in the Source Han Sans repository ( and the font has been renamed to TW since 1.001.

Please adjust the Noto font accordingly.

chiyi4488 commented 5 years ago

TW means Taiwan, but it is undeniable that he is indeed traditional Chinese. And it is the most "traditional" Chinese (at least my Chinese teacher said so). I don't think it should be modified to Noto Sans TW, I prefer Noto Sans TC (TW)

The following Chinese is the same as the English above (content) 我怕我的英文太爛,所以加上中文:D


臺灣沿用傳統漢字,同時稱之為正體字,其初始標準為中華民國教育部頒布的《常用國字標準字體表》(俗稱「甲表」)所錄之4808個常用字、《次常用國字標準字體表》(俗稱「乙表」)所錄之6334個常用字(外加9個單位詞,合計6343字)、《罕用字體表》(俗稱「丙表」)所錄之18388個罕用字、以及《原異體字表》(俗稱「丁表」)所錄之18588個異體字(補遺22字),並以此四表收錄字為現行中華民國國家標準中文標準交換碼納編(CNS11643)編碼依據。2004年,中華民國政府公布《新異體字表》,計收70833字;而此第五表連同前四表共組為當前中華民國(臺灣)正體字標準,總計收錄105051字。 並公布用語說明

可惜的是,沒有人使用(說)"正體"中文,大多數人也都是講"繁體中文"。 在維基百科中,香港的確是說繁體中文。


我不認為它應該被修改為Noto Sans TW,我想最好的方案是修改成 Noto Sans TC (TW) (香港就是Noto Sans TC (HK))

hfhchan commented 5 years ago

The standard orthography currently used in Taiwan is the result of extensive language engineering and differs drastically to the orthography generally used in Greater China area for hundreds of years.

The Kangxi dictionary, which is used as the base of ISO10646 CJK standardization, regarded as the "authoritative" orthography in the Qing dynasty, is by far more faithfully represented in modern Korean or Japanese orthography.

The modern Taiwanese orthography places ridiculously strict requirements on the orthography utilizing forms that were rarely used or even invented but reflect to resemble the etymology better as of known knowledge at that time. Taiwan may proclaim their use of Chinese as traditional due to the choice of variants, but the orthography is definitely not.

hfhchan commented 5 years ago

That said, the Source Han Sans fonts now supports both the Taiwanese or Hong Kong orthography as different locales.

If possible, it would greatly aid language coverage for Hong Kong if the changes from Source Han Sans were ported back to Noto Sans CJK.

If there are currently no plans to update Noto Sans, since the original fonts for Noto Sans TC was designed according to the Taiwanese orthography, which is neither traditional, nor suitable for Hong Kong the other majority region using Traditional Chinese, the font name should be adjusted to reflect so.

chiyi4488 commented 5 years ago

I agree with you, but I don't think it should be modified to Noto Sans TW. Because TW stands for Taiwan, but Taiwan is not traditional Chinese (literally). If you really want to be clear, it would be better to use Noto Sans TC (TW) and Noto Sans TC (HK).

It is undeniable that it is indeed traditional Chinese.

chiyi4488 commented 5 years ago

Taiwan may proclaim their use of Chinese as traditional due to the choice of variants, but the orthography is definitely not.

So where is the most traditional Chinese?