google / fonts

Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
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Add Iosevka #4728

Open pinpox opened 2 years ago

pinpox commented 2 years ago

Font Project Git Repo URL:

Super short description of the Font Family: Versatile typeface for code, from code.


I understand that Google Fonts will publish only fonts that matches its requirements, and I can confirm the project meets them (by ticking the cases, or putting x between the square brackets in text mode):


Attach here a pic or a screenshot of the font; one is enough, it can be few letters, to give a quick overview.


pvinis commented 2 years ago

lets tag @be5invis too here

RosaWagner commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the submission. We'll try to review it and will get back to you if it is accepted.

Some settings are not compliant with GF requirements, which I invite you to read more about here:

Making the font GF-friendly would imply important metadata change, so if the author actually wants to collaborate, may he make himself known in this thread. Otherwise we won't be able to make it happen.

pvinis commented 1 year ago

wow theres a lot of musts there. I wonder if it makes more sense @be5invis to make another repo that is just for google fonts, and it justs hosts the files in the right form, so not many changes have to happen on the main repo of iosevka.

Diablo-D3 commented 1 year ago

@RosaWagner Can you explain to me the exact things Iosevka does not comply with? The document linked above is lengthy and doesn't really provide a clear-cut actionable plan.

pvinis commented 1 year ago

@Diablo-D3 come on, lets not make it harder. the link is pretty clear. there are some musts there. just open a couple of them and you'll see that the iosevka repo is not in line with. (which is totally fine btw, and that's why I suggested we make a separate repo for conforming to google fonts requirements.)

take this as an example, the repo needs to have this "layout", and its not. that would be the first this I fix.