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Specimen text not in Tai Viet script for Tai Heritage Pro #5388

Closed jvgaultney closed 1 year ago

jvgaultney commented 1 year ago

The sample text on the Tai Heritage Pro specimen page should be in the Tai Viet script, but is instead in some unknown Latin-script language.

A possible text would be part of UDHR article 26:

ꪋꪴ ꫛ ꪝꪮꪣ ꪼꪒ ꪣꪲ ꪁꪫꪸꪙ ꪵꪮꪚ ꪭꪸꪙ - ꪼꪒ ꪹꪤꪸꪒ ꪕꪮꪥ ꪹꪊꪸ ꪶꪒ ꪤꪱꪫ ꪤꪴꪀ ꪹꪚꪱ ꪎꪸ ꪁꪱ ꪙꪮꪥ ꪹꪭꪸꪉ ꪁꪷ ꪼꪒ ꪵꪮꪚ ꪬꪮꪉ ꪋꪽ ꪔꪾꪣ ꪀꪾꪚ ꪤꪱꪫ ꪤꪴꪀ ꪘꪰꪉ ꪶꪠꪉ ꪶꪩ - ꪤꪱꪫ ꪤꪴꪀ ꪋꪽ ꪔꪾꪣ ꪭꪳ ꪵꪣꪙ ꪄꪮꪉ ꪄꪰꪒ ꪹꪭꪸꪉ, ꪤꪱꪫ ꪥꪴꪀ ꪀꪲ ꪗꪺꪒ ꪀꪾꪚ ꪝꪳꪉ ꪹꪉꪸ ꪭꪳ ꪹꪜꪸꪙ ꪼꪄ ꪀꪫꪱꪉ ꪀꪾꪚ ꪤꪱꪫ ꪥꪴꪀ ꪋꪽ ꪎꪴꪉ ( ꪀꪱꪫ ꪭꪮꪀ ) ꪹꪜꪸꪙ ꪕꪮꪥ ꪈꪫꪸꪙ ꪔꪰꪀ ꪹꪋꪷꪉ ꪝꪸꪉ ꪻꪬ ꪹꪚꪱ ꪁꪫꪱꪙ ꫛ ꪻꪒ ꪵꪮꪚ ꪼꪒ.

RosaWagner commented 1 year ago

@jvgaultney I changed the primary script for Tai Heritage Pro, and it should appear in Tai Viet within few weeks. It will have the same specimen page as

RosaWagner commented 1 year ago

@jvgaultney actually it is a deeper problem, I opened an issue in the related repository to track it: