google / fonts

Font files available from Google Fonts, and a public issue tracker for all things Google Fonts
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Add Rock Jack Writing #5912

Open eifetx opened 1 year ago

eifetx commented 1 year ago

Font Project Git Repo URL:

Super short description of the Font Family: Rock Jack Writing are a type of digital typeface that simulates the look and feel of actual handwriting. These fonts are designed to mimic the unique characteristics of handwriting, such as the subtle variations in stroke width, the tilt and slant of individual letters, and the natural irregularities of pen or pencil marks.


I understand that Google Fonts will publish only fonts that matches its requirements, and I can confirm the project meets them (by ticking the cases, or putting x between the square brackets in text mode):

Image: Preview (2)

Attach here a pic or a screenshot of the font; one is enough, it can be few letters, to give a quick overview.

RosaWagner commented 1 year ago

Hi @eifetx, thanks for your submission. This is a great start! There is still work to do though to achieve GF technical quality standards (mostly about diacritics and glyphsets). So your submission would depend on the review board and if there would be time this year to help you in the making and engineering of your font.

If you are interested, I set up a page full with resources to help type designers:

eifetx commented 1 year ago

Hi @eifetx, thanks for your submission. This is a great start! There is still work to do though to achieve GF technical quality standards (mostly about diacritics and glyphsets). So your submission would depend on the review board and if there would be time this year to help you in the making and engineering of your font.

If you are interested, I set up a page full with resources to help type designers:

thank you rosa. i will fix it

eifetx commented 11 months ago

hi @RosaWagner

i just fix the diacritics and uploaded in my repo. should i upload here too ?