google / fonts

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Add Chaumont Script #6492

Open RosaWagner opened 12 months ago

RosaWagner commented 12 months ago

Font Project Git Repo URL:

Super short description of the Font Family: Timothée Gouraud (Fabrication Maison) discovered in 2016 the work of Chantal Jacquet, sign painter in Chaumont (Haute-Marne, France) in the 1980s. Intigued by these singular shapes, he contacted ANRT to design a digital font out of it. A complex task, achieved by Alexandre Bassi, who managed to transcribe the rythm and cursivity of this script, through a extended character set (2500 glyphs) and complex OpenType Features.


I understand that Google Fonts will publish only fonts that matches its requirements, and I can confirm the project meets them (by ticking the cases, or putting x between the square brackets in text mode):

Image: chaumont-script-specimen-051021-finalblue-envoi-corrige-web.pdf

RosaWagner commented 12 months ago

Spend a moment with the designer to set up a repo and see what's remain to do on the font:

chrissimpkins commented 6 months ago

Adding to Icebox based on this comment:

designer gonna use the summer to read the guide and correct metadata etc

We will need to add to the onboarding queue when the development work is complete.