google / fonts

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New Scripts Noto Fonts still displays as notdefs on iOS 18 Beta 1 #7879

Closed Ashtontameirao closed 1 week ago

Ashtontameirao commented 1 week ago

Specify the font name in title with a short description of the bug. Please report any issue related to Noto fonts here. Report any issue with Google Icon/Symbols here

Describe the bug In the apps all the new scripts are displayed as notdef Super Mario Blocks and The Website are displayed as notdef bars, Apple, Please add these! iOS 18 needs Vithkuqi, Old Sogdian, Sogdian, Chorasmian, Elymaic, Dogra, Dives Akuru, Nandinagari, Zanabazar Square, Soyombo, Makasar, Kawi, Cypro Minoan, Anatolian Hieroglyphs, Tangsa, Medefaidrin, Tangut, Khitan Small, Nushu, Znamenny, All Musical Symbols, SignWriting, Toto, Nag Mundari, Indic Siyaq, and Ottoman Siyaq

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context Every 4 Years add 2 scripts and the other Every 4 years adds numerous scripts

applecuckoo commented 1 week ago

Hey, wait a second. Aren't you that same guy who opened 15 confusing, nonsensical, sloppy issues under another account?

In case you haven't realised, Google isn't Apple. And no, Google isn't going to design a Noto font for every single script in the Unicode standard, not unless there's actual demand for them. This is, by no means, a small project, and there are real people that have to design each and every glyph that goes into all these fonts. And designing those glyphs takes time. In a sense, font making is an art form. Not a science.

That's all I've got, but before you try and open another one of these 'design requests', think about the work that goes behind them.