google / gapid

Graphics API Debugger
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Installation prefix + cmake dependencies #771

Closed DanOlivier closed 6 years ago

DanOlivier commented 7 years ago


This is really just a general comment on the way gapid and its components are built, installed, and used (i.e. by downstream components, such as the Java UI).

Initially, I just want to be able to spy on Vulkan or OpenGL applications running natively on Linux (local apps), which don't really involve or require either the Android SDK/NDK, or even the Java JDK. Frankly, at first, I was just curious about the interception technology.

Being a Go lang noob, and not having so much success understanding or debugging what the do (cmd/do/*.go) scripts were "doing" (they seemed to just get in the way), I decided to just launch cmake directly, and have it discover the location of its dependencies.

It implies bypassing do config and the .gapid-config file it generates, and leaving it to cmake to find dependencies:

This implies discarding TARGET_INSTALL_PATH (for "bin", "lib", "etc"). For example :

We don't assume that the installation prefix is $HOME/gapid, or $USERPROFILE/gapid (even if this convention agrees with development habit), and we don't override CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (from within cmake)

Once installed (i.e. after sudo ninja install into /usr/local), finding binaries and libraries is not a problem, but I did run into problems afterwards for the other files (GraphicsSpyLayer.json, strings/en-us.stb):

Basically, I'm suggesting to have the installation prefix burned into the binaries, allowing the data and configuration files to be found at runtime (using SYSCONFDIR, which defaults to $PREFIX/etc), and not just a sub-directory of bin.

In the end, the workflow becomes:

$ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DHOST_ONLY=1 ..
$ ninja
$ sudo ninja install

I have experimented with some of these proposed changes locally, but they are not ready/complete, and I just wanted to gauge the level interest. Please comment.


Issues that I ran into during my explorations:

ben-clayton commented 7 years ago

Hi @DanOlivier,

Frankly, at first, I was just curious about the interception technology.

I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. From a high level perspective:

The interception approaches differ by platform.

For OpenGL ES:

For Vulkan, we use layers for interception on all Vulkan supported platforms.

Being a Go lang noob, and not having so much success understanding or debugging what the do (cmd/do/*.go) scripts were "doing" (they seemed to just get in the way), I decided to just launch cmake directly, and have it discover the location of its dependencies.

do is simply a wrapper around cmake. It serves a few goals:

It implies bypassing do config and the .gapid-config file it generates, and leaving it to cmake to find dependencies:

go (and GOPATH) has already been configured (so why need a variable such as CMAKE_Go_COMPILER?). Check version is 1.8+?

Having do require a working go is one of those chicken and egg problems, but in theory the go versions could be different. GAPID requires 1.8, do is probably far less picky.

The main reason for the existence of CMAKE_Go_COMPILER is that we want to explicitly specify all dependencies and toolchains.

Yes, we've already resolved a go compiler in order to run do, but we also don't want to force you to use do. It's a helper. If you don't use do, then you can't assume there's an already configured go available.

GOPATH is a bit special for GAPID. Due to some issues we encountered building executables from go vendored packages, we instead prepend the third_party directory to GOPATH.

find_package(PythonInterp 3.5 REQUIRED) find_package(Java 1.8 REQUIRED) (which probably checks for JAVA_HOME) Ninja should just be put on the PATH Check that ANDROID_NDK_ROOT and ANDROID_HOME are present (but we don't fail if they are not, and even if they are, we don't default ANDROID_ACTIVE_ABI_LIST to all potential targets "armeabi-v7a" "arm64-v8a" "x86_64" unless requested)

This implicit behavior is something we've been trying hard to avoid - not because we want to make things harder for developers, but because it's near impossible to help someone figure out why their builds fail and ours don't. Asking someone to list their full environment variables, installed packages and versions is impractical. We'd rather have something like do ask the developer up-front for all the dependencies we use, check they're all correct, and then let them build.

Assume -DHOST_ONLY=1 by default?

Maybe. Currently the developers are primarily focused on Android development, but we are working on adding proper support for tracing host Vulkan apps. I don't care so much about defaults for non-do usage.

Is another copy of llvm required under third_party (it is likely to available, and cmake should just validate that the proper version is installed)?

Again, you're trading checkout time / size for more possibility of random build issues.

To the extent possible, strings in .gapid-config get moved into the CMakeCache.txt

As far as I'm aware, all the variables passed down from do to cmake are all declared with CACHE. Are there some that aren't cached?

This implies discarding TARGET_INSTALL_PATH (for "bin", "lib", "etc"). For example :

I have no problems with TARGET_INSTALL_PATH becoming a CACHEd variable. Why do you want to split them up by directory?

We don't assume that the installation prefix is $HOME/gapid, or $USERPROFILE/gapid (even if this convention agrees with development habit)

We don't assume, it's just a default that's used if you haven't pre-declared it with GAPID_HOME or INSTALL_PREFIX. is used in core/app/layout/layout.go, to deduce the installation layout gapic/src/main/com/google/gapid/server/ should just look on the path to find an installed copy of gapis to launch (it finds the strings/en-us.stb file, and propagates it using the --strings flag, but the program itself should know how to find its strings)

Why should gapis be on the path?

Basically, I'm suggesting to have the installation prefix burned into the binaries, allowing the data and configuration files to be found at runtime (using SYSCONFDIR, which defaults to $PREFIX/etc), and not just a sub-directory of bin.

I'm not 100% sure I follow you here. Are you saying we enforce where GAPID gets installed, or just the relative file layout? If it's the former, this is not desirable. We want to allow users to install / extract GAPID where they like and have it work.

In the end, the workflow becomes:

$ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DHOST_ONLY=1 .. $ ninja $ sudo ninja install

So, I'm not completely opposed to having the defaults for variables omitted become automatically found, but it's going to take a lot of convincing before I encourage anyone to use this approach over explicit dependencies.

What isn't clear to me is why you want to invoke cmake by hand. Is there something about do that you cannot achieve?

It's worth mentioning that the longer term plan is to replace CMake with Bazel. Bazel has numerous benefits over CMake, the most important to me is that it fetches all the dependencies it needs automatically, removing the possibility of wrong packages altogether. This work has been blocked on Bazel features we're waiting on. The current ETA is ~ 8 weeks.

428 (I'm not a big SWT/JFace expert, or I would have done it myself)

I've asked @pmuetschard to put aside some time this week to look at implementing this.

636 (which I independently resolved).

Glad you found a way to resolve it. Can you remember what your solution was?

golang/go#20935: trying to debug go programs, and not having the confidence that the debugger is not "hiding things", I tried to disable optimizations (adding -gcflags "-v -N -l" cmake/modules/GoCompile.cmake).

I've tried repeatedly to set up a working debugging environment for Go. Each time I've failed. I've heard that Delve is working for a few people now (not specifically GAPID though), so I may give that another shot.

Unfortunately, attempting to use Go 1.9 was to be a lost cause

As 1.9 is still in beta I haven't spent any time looking into updating the toolchain. I will as soon as it's released though.

I have noted the complexity of first generating the protobuf files (recursive call to cmake).

There's also the sub-cmake builds for the Android ABIs, which are vile. Another reason we want to switch to Bazel.

Thank you for taking so much time to give us this feedback! Ben

ben-clayton commented 6 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.