google / gnostic

A compiler for APIs described by the OpenAPI Specification with plugins for code generation and other API support tasks.
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Default to gRPC path if no mapping is provided #429

Open Kryan90 opened 4 months ago

Kryan90 commented 4 months ago

I am using protoc-gen-openapi to generate api docs. The project is being built using connectrpc which uses GRPC_SERVICE_FULL_NAME/METHOD_NAME for paths.

We are currently adding this manually for each method, ie.

service MyService {
  rpc Foo(FooRequest) returns (FooResponse) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/my.package.v1.MyService/Foo"
      body: "*"

Is there an existing way to use the GRPC_SERVICE_FULL_NAME/METHOD_NAME as a default? If not is that something you would consider adding? There is some precedence for this usage in Cloud Endpoints transcoding