google / google-java-format

Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style.
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Spring Tool Suite not picking up the plugin #297

Open MingoDynasty opened 6 years ago

MingoDynasty commented 6 years ago

Using latest version (3.9.5.RELEASE) Build Id: 201807031753 Platform: Eclipse Photon (4.8.0)

I copy the google-java-format-eclipse-plugin_1.6.0.jar file into dropins directory, restart STS, but still don't see the google-java-format option under Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter.

When I use the previous version: Version: 3.9.4.RELEASE Build Id: 201804120921 Platform: Eclipse Oxygen.3a (4.7.3a)

And follow the same install, I do see the option.

Even when I took the 3.9.4 STS and updated it to 3.9.5 (updates parts of it but not the Eclipse platform): Version: 3.9.5.RELEASE Build Id: 201807031734 Platform: Eclipse Oxygen.3a (4.7.3a)

And follow the same install, I still do see the option.

Is the plugin supported by Eclipse Photon 4.8.0? Or is there any way to troubleshoot?

jliuold commented 6 years ago

Me, too.

ricX1 commented 5 years ago

Me, too on Mac

ricX1 commented 5 years ago

Me, too on Mac

in STS4 work again ;-)

MingoDynasty commented 5 years ago

Confirmed working in Spring Tool Suite 4, using Windows 10. For reference: Version: 4.0.2.RELEASE Build Id: 201811300843

alwaysastudent commented 5 years ago

The plugin is not getting picked up on

Spring Tool Suite 4 Version: 4.2.2.RELEASE Build Id: 201905232009


alwaysastudent commented 5 years ago

Me, too on Mac

in STS4 work again ;-)

How did you make this work ?