google / google-visualization-issues

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Allow offline use #277

Open orwant opened 9 years ago

orwant commented 9 years ago
What would you like to see us add to this API?

Change the the Terms of Service to allow offline use of the API.

What component is this issue related to (PieChart, LineChart, DataTable,
Query, etc)?

Basic API such as DataTable and DataView.

For developers viewing this issue: please click the 'star' icon to be
notified of future changes, and to let us know how many of you are
interested in seeing it resolved.

Original issue reported on by on 2010-05-11 10:42:04

orwant commented 9 years ago
Would be really nice

Original issue reported on by on 2011-02-18 08:34:02

orwant commented 9 years ago
In the case, the client is talking to a web server on the LAN without access to internet
(because of temporary failure),  the vizualization API is not available anymore. This
is a really important limitation in our context. 

Original issue reported on by jmhermelin on 2011-02-18 08:43:53

orwant commented 9 years ago
Slow internet connections and offline usage are key features for me. I'm using viz for
two projects (via GWT), but have to remove in both for each of the reasons. The serving
of js with cache private; max-age=0 doesn't help either (pay the cost on every startup,
jsapi is set to 1 hour max-age).

Original issue reported on by ken.horn on 2011-02-22 16:16:15

orwant commented 9 years ago
would be really great to see this feature implemented

Original issue reported on by aserofeev on 2011-02-22 16:25:55

orwant commented 9 years ago
Would like to put this product on a closed network for govt use. Cannot use as is.

Original issue reported on by westwoodstom on 2011-03-01 14:35:04

orwant commented 9 years ago
I am in the same position as comment 5. Great framework but unusable in current state
for closed networks.

Original issue reported on by eliquious on 2011-03-01 15:17:21

orwant commented 9 years ago
Same issue here : offline usage is a must-have feature for me.

Original issue reported on by marc.polizzi on 2011-03-01 15:32:17

orwant commented 9 years ago
I also want this issue to get resolved.

Original issue reported on by muralikrishna50 on 2011-03-29 20:46:31

orwant commented 9 years ago
I need off-line use for moments when the remote libraries are off-line. Like a "plan

Original issue reported on by hugosetta on 2011-05-23 17:58:28

orwant commented 9 years ago
This online restriction is a really bad news, as it is NOT clearly explained when you
use it. This is probably the reason why GWT visualization is not so spread and used,
although it's a great framework.

Can someone from google explicitly tells us if Google plans to change its terms or
not ?


Original issue reported on by juli1.bec on 2011-06-16 14:18:36

orwant commented 9 years ago
@juli1, I think we're more likely to win the lottery than getting a statement from google
on this ;-)

Original issue reported on by on 2011-06-16 16:35:03

orwant commented 9 years ago
Please allow offline use. We really need it ASAP.

Original issue reported on by csdeepu on 2011-06-28 12:58:04

orwant commented 9 years ago
Yes, yes please.  I have been working on a page the contains a number of charts and
dashboards and from a performance pov sometimes its just too slow.  Also if our internet
connection goes down, the office folk should still be able to use the charts/dashboards.

Original issue reported on by GregoryNoSpamJohn on 2011-11-03 07:17:40

orwant commented 9 years ago
I need this as well...this just became a no go with this api due to this problem

Original issue reported on by davidj2k on 2012-04-20 18:19:34

orwant commented 9 years ago
take this offline, we are ready to pay ! 

My organization doesn't like that that data is being sent to you guys , you know goverment
senstive stuff.

Original issue reported on by hus.mhd on 2012-11-14 08:11:43

orwant commented 9 years ago
for a professional development this is a must. I'm using another lib (against my will
because I LOVE the API) but, for several reasons (intranet restrictions, speed, data
confidenciality, reliability) I cannot work with an online solution.

I don't see the point of not release from times to times an offline version.

Original issue reported on by qsebas on 2013-08-06 15:07:37

orwant commented 9 years ago
This would have really helped me today faced with loads of "NetworkError: 502 Bad Gateway

Original issue reported on by artfulrobot on 2013-10-01 16:25:51

orwant commented 9 years ago
Would have used it, but requiring an internet connection to
is an absolute no-go for almost every commercial software development. Sadly looking
for an alternative!

Original issue reported on by dfreismuth on 2013-10-12 13:57:55

orwant commented 9 years ago
+1 here.... Please change the priority of this issue!
Many users complaint about this!

Original issue reported on by tiagorico on 2014-04-04 14:35:24

orwant commented 9 years ago
+1 We would be happy to pay licensing even to be able to run locally

Original issue reported on by jharby on 2014-06-13 16:46:07

orwant commented 9 years ago
+1 users in china basically cannot consistently get access to it

Original issue reported on by flyboys3000 on 2014-11-14 15:35:38

orwant commented 9 years ago

has anyone found a suitable graphing/charting alternative to google-visualization that
can be used offline (without an internet connection /  connection to

Original issue reported on by on 2014-12-30 17:22:28

orwant commented 9 years ago
Use or

Original issue reported on by juli1.bec on 2014-12-30 17:44:28

orwant commented 9 years ago
Or flot or rickshaw etc
On 30 Dec 2014 17:44, <>

Original issue reported on by ken.horn on 2014-12-30 18:53:00

albertolobrano commented 8 years ago

What is the status of this ?

nbering commented 8 years ago

@albertolobrano As far as I know, this is a Terms of Service issue more than a technical one. Google has requested that we download the library from their servers for use. I follow some of the other support channels for this API and I haven't seen any indication that this is likely to change, though I don't work for Google so I wouldn't have inside knowledge.

albertolobrano commented 8 years ago

I am building an application with polymer and firebase which they support offline mode and i was hoping the charts could do the same. Let's see if someone from google will notice this thread and come back with more information.

isdnfan commented 8 years ago

+1 offline use is a must.

impraveen commented 8 years ago

I am in favor of offline use of this API

delacosta456 commented 8 years ago

Please google. The request of offline is very important for us

edusteinhorst commented 8 years ago


Detracts from the user experience in apps hosted in local networks that demand authentication for internet access.

haghighi commented 8 years ago

I Download bellow links:;v=1&amp;packages=corechart,default+en,ui+en,corechart+en.I.js

and use them in google charts:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jsapi"></script>
<script src="corechart" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="uien.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="format.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="tooltip.css">
dom96 commented 8 years ago

Please up the priority for this, Google Charts is brilliant but this is a major showstopper.

yglodt commented 7 years ago unfortunately states:

Can I use charts offline? Your users' computers must have access to in order to use the interactive features of Google Charts. This is because the visualization libraries that your page requires are loaded dynamically before you use them. The code for loading the appropriate library is part of the included jsapi script, and is called when you invoke the google.load() method. Our terms of service do not allow you to download the google.load or google.visualization code to use offline.

rogpeppe commented 7 years ago

I have been using Google Charts to provide visualisations for a household electrical control system. This restriction means that the users won't be able to see their system if the internet connection goes down. At the least it would be good if it was OK to maintain a long-lived cache that could be preemptively updated so that (for example) one or two accesses per month were sufficient.

mihajul commented 7 years ago

Please at least tell us if there is a possibility for offline use in the future. Based on this we can make an informed decision about using this library or not.

Later edit: Just in case anybody might be interested, I found that D3 charts libray suited my needs better and allows offline use. It also has a GWT wrapper (which was one of my requirements).

nbering commented 7 years ago

@mihajul This issue has actually never received a reply from a Google staffer, which probably says a lot. I've seen comments in the mailing list that they would like to provide this, but under the current Terms of Service, it is prohibited. So, if you need to make a decision, assume the status quo will continue.

Further evidence is that the team continues to put effort into the loader mechanism, rather than providing a static versioned endpoint, which would be preferable for offline use.

dlaliberte commented 7 years ago

It was necessary to work on the loader in the recent past because the previous way of serving the code was being deprecated. The new loader also provided a way we could offer frozen versions, rather than always forcing updates upon all users.

We are understandably reluctant to make long term commitments to provide something that is not yet available, whereas it is much easier to make a long term promise about something that is already available.

Allowing offline use is a technical possibility, though we will have to investigate the legal and security issues. By continuing to serve the API, we also have the ability to change it as necessary, even the frozen versions.

We have discussed the possibility of open sourcing the Google Charts code, and I am pretty sure that has been mentioned in years past. But making it happen is itself a large project, and weighed against all the other priorities, it tends to fall off the table. With every decision we make about how the code is structured and maintained, we try to move closer to eventually open sourcing it, but it is still a long road ahead.

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Nicholas Bering wrote:

@mihajul This issue has actually never received a reply from a Google staffer, which probably says a lot. I've seen comments in the mailing list that they would like to provide this, but under the current Terms of Service, it is prohibited. So, if you need to make a decision, assume the status quo will continue.

Further evidence is that the team continues to put effort into the loader mechanism, rather than providing a static versioned endpoint, which would be preferable for offline use.

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-- Daniel LaLiberte 5CC, Cambridge MA

djacobow commented 6 years ago


The dynamic loading is also a problem for use in Chrome / Firefox / Safari extensions. It's not that you can't access the dynamically loaded code, it's that reviewers are rejecting extensions that load and execute code from an external source. I just had my extension pulled from the Mozilla site because of this (and also the use of eval in Google's code).