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Timeline cannot be rendered with upcoming version (v51) due to dygraph-tickers-combined.js cannot be found #2913

Closed seazenith closed 3 years ago

seazenith commented 3 years ago

When we testing the upcoming version (v51) on Timeline visualization, we found it cannot be rendered due to dygraph-tickers-combined.js cannot be found (404) error. But it works fine with current version (v50).

This issue can also be reproduced using the official sample from:, and change the version from "current" to "upcoming", see here: image

So it seems dygraph-tickers-combined.js was removed unintentionally, would you please help to confirm and fix it? Thanks a lot.

VDidyk commented 3 years ago

The same issue. Chart doesn't work


seazenith commented 3 years ago

Find error in more chart types, they all share the same issue, it seems the third_party folder was removed in v51. image

hotear commented 3 years ago

Also have this problem. None of the graphs are showing up on my website anymore. Please fix asap. Thanks.

dlaliberte commented 3 years ago

First of all, I am glad to see so many people testing the 'upcoming' version, though some people appear to be unaware that they have been doing that :)

The problem was due to a change unrelated to the third_party libraries which nevertheless broke the deployment of the third_party libraries. I have fixed this now, so all charts should be working as before (or maybe within an hour or two from now, depending on cache expiration).

hotear commented 3 years ago

Like you say, if I have been testing the upcoming version I was unaware that I was doing so. How do I force it to use the previous version in that case? In my page I am simply doing the following: google.load("visualization", "1.1", {packages:["line","bar","gauge"], callback: initChart}); One day it was working, the next it stopped.

dlaliberte commented 3 years ago

For those still using the old loader, loading jsapi, and calling google.load, if you load "1.1", that is mapped to 'uploading', since they served the same purpose. Version "1" was the 'current' release.

But you really should change your loader, by following the instructions on the loader documentation page.

seazenith commented 3 years ago

First of all, I am glad to see so many people testing the 'upcoming' version, though some people appear to be unaware that they have been doing that :)

The problem was due to a change unrelated to the third_party libraries which nevertheless broke the deployment of the third_party libraries. I have fixed this now, so all charts should be working as before (or maybe within an hour or two from now, depending on cache expiration).

@dlaliberte thanks a lot for the quick response and fix.

carlzbg-cyber commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem. The charts disappeared and "No loader available" was shown in red. We have been using ng-google-chart.js I had to modify the source code to load instead of Now the charts are showing again