google / googletest

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[Bug]: Unordered container matchers ignore result descriptions #4555

Open Sedeniono opened 4 weeks ago

Sedeniono commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the issue

Consider the following example

MATCHER(MatchSomething, "")
    return false;

TEST(Some, Test)
    std::vector<int> values{{42}};
    EXPECT_THAT(values, testing::UnorderedElementsAre(MatchSomething()));

I would have expected that the string THIS_SHOULD_APPEAR_SOMEWHERE_IN_THE_OUTPUT appears somewhere in the output. Instead I get:

[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from Some
[ RUN      ] Some.Test
/app/example.cpp:13: Failure
Value of: values
Expected: has 1 element and that element match something
  Actual: { 42 }, where the following matchers don't match any elements:
matcher #0: match something
and where the following elements don't match any matchers:
element #0: 42

[  FAILED  ] Some.Test (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from Some (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Some.Test

See live on godbolt.

Of course in this trivial example this is not an issue. But when considering a more complicated matcher and value, e.g. some classes with various members that I want to match, I would like to see which specific member mismatched. I.e. what exactly in the matcher failed a check. This is usually described via the result_listener, but everything I write to it is ignored.

From looking at the code I am guessing that the value written to the result_listener always ends up in a DummyMatchResultListener, specifically in this one here.

Other unordered container matchers show the same behavior.

Steps to reproduce the problem

Reproduction: On godbolt.

Manually: Take the code

#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <vector>

MATCHER(MatchSomething, "")
    return false;

TEST(Some, Test)
    std::vector<int> values{{42}};
    EXPECT_THAT(values, testing::UnorderedElementsAre(MatchSomething()));

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

Expectation: THIS_SHOULD_APPEAR_SOMEWHERE_IN_THE_OUTPUT appears somewhere in the test output.

What version of GoogleTest are you using?

Locally I am using 1.13. Not sure if on godbolt "trunk" really refers to the head of the main branch. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a C-macro available that I could print on godbolt to check.

What operating system and version are you using?

Windows 10. I don't know what godbolt is using.

What compiler and version are you using?

The godbolt example uses gcc 13.1.

What build system are you using?

Manual invocation of gcc.

Additional context

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