Attempting to parse a shader containing a method (array.length()) raises an UnsupportedLanguageFeatureException.
#version 320 es
void main() {
int var_0[5] = int[5](1,2,3,4,5);
int var_1 = var_0.length();
It is possible to build an AST containing such method by hand using the MemberLookUpExpr, however, attempts to use the Typer with an AST containing such expression fails as the MemberLookupExpr will not be typed.
Attempting to parse a shader containing a method (array.length()) raises an UnsupportedLanguageFeatureException.
It is possible to build an AST containing such method by hand using the MemberLookUpExpr, however, attempts to use the Typer with an AST containing such expression fails as the MemberLookupExpr will not be typed.