google / grinder.dart

Dart workflows, automated
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
261 stars 36 forks source link

No puspec.yaml in _fe_analyzer_shared-3.0.0 ? #352

Open domesticmouse opened 4 years ago

domesticmouse commented 4 years ago

Colour me confused. @devoncarew any ideas?

$ rm -rf ~/.pub-cache 
$ pub global activate grinder
Resolving dependencies... (2.6s)
+ async 2.4.1
+ charcode 1.1.3
+ cli_util 0.2.0
+ collection 1.14.13
+ glob 1.2.0
+ grinder 0.8.5
+ js 0.6.2
+ meta 1.1.8
+ node_interop 1.1.1
+ node_io 1.1.1
+ path 1.7.0
+ pedantic 1.9.0
+ source_span 1.7.0
+ string_scanner 1.0.5
+ term_glyph 1.1.0
Downloading grinder 0.8.5...
Downloading meta 1.1.8...
Downloading cli_util 0.2.0...
Downloading glob 1.2.0...
Downloading node_io 1.1.1...
Downloading node_interop 1.1.1...
Downloading js 0.6.2...
Downloading path 1.7.0...
Downloading pedantic 1.9.0...
Downloading string_scanner 1.0.5...
Downloading charcode 1.1.3...
Downloading source_span 1.7.0...
Downloading term_glyph 1.1.0...
Downloading collection 1.14.13...
Downloading async 2.4.1...
Precompiling executables... 
Precompiled grinder:init.
Precompiled grinder:grinder.
Precompiled grinder:_boot.
Installed executable grind.
Activated grinder 0.8.5.
$ pub run grinder            
Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "/Users/brettmorgan/.pub-cache/hosted/".
devoncarew commented 4 years ago

Are you running that from the root of your project? You generally want a dev dependency on grinder in your project; you then don't need to globally activate it, and then pub run grinder should work (the project pub run, not the global one).