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Figure out when to drop Java 8 support #6614

Open cpovirk opened 1 year ago

cpovirk commented 1 year ago

Probably not soon :) I just had another note I wanted to make about this, so now seems like the time to start collecting those notes.

cpovirk commented 1 year ago

I think I failed to actually mention the new "note I wanted to make about this," which was:

cpovirk commented 1 year ago

It turns out that the latest release of jsinterop-annotations is built to require Java 11. That said:

cpovirk commented 1 year ago

Java 11 brought nestmates, which would let us make fields like this one private without any performance hit from the need for bridge methods. That hit is likely to be unnoticeable for most methods, small even for CharMatcher, and avoidable by assigning the result of the CharMatcher accessor call to a field (rather than calling the accessor over and over). Still, it would be nice for a single innocent-looking keyword not to have the potential to affect performance. And making things private is nice. (It's even required for similar constructs in Kotlin.)

Admittedly, making nested classes' members private is less important when the class that the API is part of is final, since that makes clear that any package-private methods aren't being called more widely through a subtype. And there are additional arguments for omitting private: One is that private doesn't further restrict visibility, so we'd rather write leave it out for brevity. Another (somewhat contradictory) argument is that the lack of private hints that the API is being used from the nested class's enclosing class (though of course Java would permit the call even with private, just with the possible performance hit discussed above).

Anyway, the point here is that we'd pick up this improvement (and others, like better string concatenation) if we didn't have to target Java 8. (Hmm, I guess we could theoretically provide a multi-release jar with the exact same classes built for both versions, just with different -source -target flags! This would even provide yet another partial defense against problems like that from But that would double the size of Guava (and possibly upset tools that get confused by mrjars) for very little upside.)

(I was tempted to add that we could consider targeting a newer version of Java for guava-android, since newer bytecode gets converted to Android bytecode that supports even old versions of Android. But of course we say that guava-android is usable under a JVM, too, so that wouldn't work.)