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Tensorflow to TOSA Documentation #493

Open edwjchen opened 6 months ago

edwjchen commented 6 months ago

How would one compile a Tensorflow program to HEIR's TOSA frontend?

asraa commented 6 months ago

Hey! Good question. I will port over the docs from to HEIR, but here are the relevant lines

If you would like to transpile an existing TFLite model, you will also need to install the following tools:

  1. flatbuffer_translate.
    git clone && cd tensorflow
    bazel build -c opt tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite:flatbuffer_translate

See the instructions here to use a local LLVM build,

  1. tf-opt. For example, use

    bazel build -c opt tensorflow/compiler/mlir:tf-opt
  2. Convert the TensorFlow Lite model to TOSA MLIR.

flatbuffer_translate --tflite-flatbuffer-to-mlir ${INPUT_TFLITE} | tf-opt --tf-tfl-to-tosa-pipeline --tosa-strip-quant-types -o ${OUTPUT_TOSA}
j2kun commented 6 months ago

I think there should be a way to avoid tf-lite, and maybe these docs could give a head start