def generate_video_path(self):
self.select_video_cams = [item for i, item in enumerate(self.all_cam_params) if i % 1 == 0 ]
self.video_path, self.video_time = smooth_camera_poses(self.select_video_cams,10)
self.video_path = self.video_path[:500]
self.video_time = self.video_time[:500]
def load_video(self, idx):
if idx in
camera = self.all_cam_params[idx]
w = self.image_one.size[0]
h = self.image_one.size[1]
time = self.video_time[idx]
R = camera.orientation.T
T = - camera.position @ R
FovY = focal2fov(camera.focal_length, self.h)
FovX = focal2fov(camera.focal_length, self.w)
image_path = "/".join(self.all_img[idx].split("/")[:-1])
image_name = self.all_img[idx].split("/")[-1]
caminfo = CameraInfo(uid=idx, R=R, T=T, FovY=FovY, FovX=FovX, image=self.image_one_torch,
image_path=image_path, image_name=image_name, width=w, height=h, time=time, mask=None
)[idx] = caminfo
return caminfo
These are functions in and it seems that only interpolated timestamps are used for video and interpolated poses are discarded. Could you explain me about the reason for it?
These are functions in and it seems that only interpolated timestamps are used for video and interpolated poses are discarded. Could you explain me about the reason for it?