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Low pass filters - Butterworth filter #17540

Open SimiPixel opened 9 months ago

SimiPixel commented 9 months ago

I didn't seem to find the equivalent of scipy.signal.butter in the jax.scipy module as of now. Would be great to have :)

SimiPixel commented 9 months ago

A simple 2nd-order filter.

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

def second_order_butterworth(signal: jax.Array, f_sampling: int = 100, f_cutoff: int = 15, method: str = "forward_backward") -> jax.Array:
    if method == "forward_backward":
        signal = second_order_butterworth(signal, f_sampling, f_cutoff, "forward")
        return second_order_butterworth(signal, f_sampling, f_cutoff, "backward")
    elif method == "forward":
    elif method == "backward":
        signal = jnp.flip(signal, axis=0)
        raise NotImplementedError

    ff = f_cutoff / f_sampling
    ita = 1.0 / jnp.tan(jnp.pi * ff)
    q = jnp.sqrt(2.0)
    b0 = 1.0 / (1.0 + q*ita + ita**2)
    b1 = 2*b0
    b2 = b0
    a1 = 2.0 * (ita**2 - 1.0) * b0
    a2 = -(1.0 - q*ita + ita**2) * b0

    def f(carry, x_i):
        x_im1, x_im2, y_im1, y_im2 = carry
        y_i = b0 * x_i + b1 * x_im1 + b2 * x_im2 + a1 * y_im1 + a2 * y_im2
        return (x_i, x_im1, y_i, y_im1), y_i

    init = (signal[1], signal[0]) * 2
    signal = jax.lax.scan(f, init, signal[2:])[1]
    signal = jnp.concatenate((signal[0:1],) * 2 + (signal,))

    if method == "backward":
        signal = jnp.flip(signal, axis=0)

    return signal

produces the same as the following scipy implementation apart from different behaviour at the edges. Most likely due to different (more sophisticated) padding strategy in this context.

def scipy_butterworth(signal, f_sampling = 100, f_cutoff = 15, N=2):
    [b, a] = scipy.signal.butter(N, f_cutoff / (f_sampling / 2))
    return scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, signal, axis=0)