google / ksp

Kotlin Symbol Processing API
Apache License 2.0
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`kspKotlinDesktop` fails with Error type '<ERROR TYPE>' is not resolvable in the current round of processing. #1599

Open mr3y-the-programmer opened 1 year ago

mr3y-the-programmer commented 1 year ago

After updating from ksp version 1.9.20-RC-1.0.13 to ksp version 1.9.20-RC2-1.0.13 or any later version I'm getting this error when I run kspKotlinDesktop:

[ksp] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error type '<ERROR TYPE>' is not resolvable in the current round of processing.

This happens due to changes introduced in this commit which was supposed to avoid breaking the new mpp applyDefaultHierarchyTemplate.

Steps to reproduce:

Clone this repository, checkout bump_kotlin_version branch, run .\gradlew :shared:kspKotlinDesktop and you should see the error.

kanetik commented 1 year ago

Given the fact that this break occurred between RC and RC2, I wonder if the bug I submitted is related?

CoolMind commented 7 months ago

When I changed code and added/changed dependencies in a multi-module project, this error occured. I tried to sync, rebuild the project, invalidate caches, add new modules, but nothing helped. Sometmes I got circular dependencies. Have KSP, Moshi. Then I moved several common classes to another common module, so that a circular dependency didn't appear. Then this error disappeared.