google / lightweight_mmm

LightweightMMM 🦇 is a lightweight Bayesian Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) library that allows users to easily train MMMs and obtain channel attribution information.
Apache License 2.0
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Rendering of several plots not working! #310

Open titubs opened 3 months ago

titubs commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am using the google provided example code from their github and oddly, when I plot plot.plot_prior_and_posterior(media_mix_model=mmm), the output cart renders perfectly find. However, when I run other plots like plot.plot_media_channel_posteriors(media_mix_model=mmm) or plot.plot_model_fit(mmm, target_scaler=target_scaler), my output shows Out[33]: <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>

Why is this part inconsistent and how can I make all plots render? I tried already adding %matplotlib inline but it did not help. My coding env is Databricks, Phython notebook.

Any advise is appreciated, Thanks.

anantp316 commented 3 months ago

Here are the following checks you may need to do. 1) Importing matplotlib.pyplot as plt. 2) Importing the following statement from lightweight_mmm import plot 3) Try adding a semi-colon at the end of your mentioned plot statements.

If nothing works, try doing a clean install of the lightweight_mmm library and use the git link mentioned in the example notebook (or in the ReadME) to re-install the library.