google / mannequinchallenge

Inference code and trained models for "Learning the Depths of Moving People by Watching Frozen People."
Apache License 2.0
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RuntimeError: unexpected EOF, expected 109330 more bytes. The file might be corrupted. #17

Open skanel opened 4 years ago

skanel commented 4 years ago

When I run this python --input=two_view_k I got an error like this

batchSize: 8 beta1: 0.5 checkpoints_dir: ./checkpoints/ continue_train: False display_freq: 100 display_id: 1 display_winsize: 256 fineSize: 256 gpu_ids: [0, 1, 2, 3] human_data_term: 0 identity: 0.0 input: two_view_k isTrain: True lambda_A: 10.0 lambda_B: 10.0 loadSize: 286 lr: 0.0004 lr_decay_epoch: 8 lr_policy: step max_dataset_size: inf mode: Ours_Bilinear model: pix2pix nThreads: 2 name: test_local ndf: 64 ngf: 64 niter: 100 niter_decay: 100 no_flip: False no_html: False no_lsgan: False norm: instance output_nc: 3 phase: train pool_size: 50 print_freq: 100 save_epoch_freq: 5 save_latest_freq: 5000 serial_batches: False simple_keypoints: 0 use_dropout: False which_epoch: latest which_model_netG: unet_256 -------------- End ---------------- ========================= TUM evaluation #images = 1815 ========= ====================================== DIW NETWORK TRAIN FROM Ours_Bilinear======================= ===================Loading Pretrained Model OURS =================================== Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 36, in model = pix2pix_model.Pix2PixModel(opt, False) File "D:\DeepLearning\autotrace_motion\mannequinchallenge-vmd\models\", line 96, in init new_model, 'G', 'best_depth_Ours_Bilinear_inc_7') File "D:\DeepLearning\autotrace_motion\mannequinchallenge-vmd\models\", line 68, in load_network model = torch.load(savepath) File "C:\Users\awww.DESKTOP-82VA5F8\Anaconda3\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 386, in load return _load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_loadargs) File "C:\Users\awww.DESKTOP-82VA5F8\Anaconda3\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 580, in _load deserialized_objects[key]._set_from_file(f, offset, f_should_read_directly) RuntimeError: unexpected EOF, expected 109330 more bytes. The file might be corrupted. (pytorch) PS D:\DeepLearning\autotrace_motion\mannequinchallenge-vmd>


And I check the file size is 8.14 GB in .tgz , how to fix this issue. I am on window 10 and succeed with these 2 command

` pytorch)$ python --input=single_view

(pytorch)$ python --input=two_view `