google / material-design-icons

Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
Apache License 2.0
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Missing `person_edit` icon in Material Symbols downloaded .woff2 #1669

Closed dlongodev closed 3 months ago

dlongodev commented 3 months ago

My project is currently using a downloaded version of material-symbols-rounded.woff2 downloaded from the following link:,wght,FILL,GRAD@24,400,0..1,0. We are trying to use the person_edit but it only add the person and edit icons with the underscore between:


I'm previewing the downloaded font file, I can't seem to find it anywhere:


I also looked through the list of code points in the repo, and I don't see person_edit

But I do see in the Google Fonts:

tphinney commented 3 months ago

but it only add the person and edit icons with the underscore between

What is “it” in that sentence?

I checked by downloading the WOFF2 file from that link, and it absolutely does have an icon with the glyph name “person_edit” accessible from the codepoint U+F4FA (hexadecimal, or 62714 in decimal). It is at glyphID 4915 in the font file. Here it is:


Some plausible possibilities:

I also looked through the list of code points in the repo, and I don't see person_edit

That is “Material Icons” and NOT “Material Symbols”; the Material Symbols collection is newer and has at least many hundreds more icons.

dlongodev commented 3 months ago

Thank you for the answers. Just wanted to let you know "it" was referring to the code person_edit between the span tags <span class="material-symbols-rounded">person_edit</span>.

For some reason, the version we downloaded a few months ago was missing that icon. I redownloaded and reinstalled the font and it worked. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the quick response.

tphinney commented 3 months ago

Checking back, I think that icon was added in late November, at least internally. So that would explain that difference. I will remember to ask people if they are sure they have the latest font, and/or check the icon add date, next time.

External release frequency has been a bit more variable, but seems like it might be moving towards nearly-every-week. Nearly every release has had new icons, whether that is two icons or 20.