google / material-design-icons

Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
Apache License 2.0
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Icon request: `xyz` #1692

Open hbugdoll opened 2 months ago

hbugdoll commented 2 months ago

A xyz icon showing capital letters XYZ analog to abc (ABC) would be useful.

tphinney commented 2 months ago

Why? What are some use cases for this?

(Most times the use cases are obvious to me, or they are given in the request. But this one I am not immediately understanding. If it were to do reverse alphabetical sorting, I would expect ZYX instead of XYZ.)

hbugdoll commented 2 months ago

Why? What are some use cases for this?

tphinney commented 2 months ago

It seems to me as if at least some of these could/would be distinct from each other:

hbugdoll commented 2 months ago

It seems to me as if at least some of these could/would be distinct from each other:

  • I have seen icons for XYZ coordinate systems, and they usually include arrows for the axes.

There are both variants, with arrows and without. It should be mentioned in this context that there is also a XYZ file format.

  • The TLD should probably start with a leading period, and probably be lower case (.xyz).

Totally agree! It was probably too late when I was writing this.