google / material-design-icons

Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
Apache License 2.0
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added SVG font format + gulp build task (TTF to SVG transformation). fixes #149 #282

Closed grimen closed 8 years ago

grimen commented 8 years ago

added SVG font format + gulp build task (TTF to SVG transformation). fixes #149

googlebot commented 8 years ago

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Once you've signed, please reply here (e.g. I signed it!) and we'll verify. Thanks.

grimen commented 8 years ago

@googlebot I signed it!

googlebot commented 8 years ago

CLAs look good, thanks!

grimen commented 8 years ago

@katgironpe OK, done.

grimen commented 8 years ago

@katgironpe Reviewed the correction? Would be really useful if this PR could be merged as soon as possible to be aligned with the other iconfonts.

kathgironpe commented 8 years ago

@grimen Reviewed. Almost correct. Please make the change and maybe someone will merge this.

grimen commented 8 years ago

@katgironpe The input seems to be incorrect though, I use .bin in all projects - not specifying the dot breaks it because the local folder is named .bin (hidden) - not bin.

kathgironpe commented 8 years ago

@grimen you're right. I just checked. Sorry bout that. Looks good.

kathgironpe commented 8 years ago

Can someone merge this? It would really be helpful to have SVG. Primary reason: many of us merge all fonts we use and it easiest with SVG file available. Though it's not much of a performance benefit for some, it is for us.

shyndman commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I'm not going to be merging this because it's easier for us to add SVG font generation on our end of things.

That said, we're going to be pushing a release this week that includes SVG fonts.

kathgironpe commented 8 years ago

@shyndman Great! Thanks. So @grimen did much as we've been looking for ways to convert the fonts to SVG. His solution seems to work. I'd help test it out. Thank you, both.

grimen commented 8 years ago

@shyndman @katgironpe Any update? This issue is currently blocking in the GlyphIcons project.

grimen commented 8 years ago

It's now soon 2 months since this PR was created, soon 1 month since i asked about status referencing you. Still no single word as a reply even if requested.

shyndman commented 8 years ago

Hey @grimen,

Sorry for not getting back. I added an SVG font for you a couple weeks ago, but forgot to reply.

shyndman commented 8 years ago

Everything look good? Can I close this off?

grimen commented 8 years ago

@shyndman OK, got it - that's great!