google / material-design-icons

Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols)
Apache License 2.0
49.97k stars 9.65k forks source link

NPM Package not upToDate since 3 years #947

Open robinComa opened 4 years ago

robinComa commented 4 years ago

Th repositoty npm has a latest version 3.0.1 since 3 years.

A lot of icon are not included inside this package, ex : insert_drive_file

Is there an explanation ? Maybe the wrong repository ?

I don't want use the CND css file, because my app is offline.

Thanks by advance,

jossef commented 4 years ago

This project is on low maintenance and out of date for a while.

I've forked this repo, scraped the updated fonts from Google Fonts CDN, added support for scss, removed irrelevant files (jams npm install).

Check it out: material-design-icons-iconfont
