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Add stepper component to Mesop #114

Open emc5ud opened 2 months ago

emc5ud commented 2 months ago

The stepper component in Angular Material is very useful for designing flows where the user needs to input a variety of data into a form step by step.

richard-to commented 1 month ago

The Stepper component does seem useful. I think the one thing we'll need a solution for is how the content inside the different steps will work when written as code and also how that will be implemented internally in core Mesop.

I think there is a similar thing with the tab component (

I assume it is possible because we can render components within components. The difference is that now we have components within components that would need to work together.

emc5ud commented 1 month ago

This implementation in the "dash mantine components" library has separate object types for the "stepper" and the "stepperstep"

richard-to commented 1 month ago

Yeah I agree. I think that would be the direction to go. We had some discussion about this in the context of the tab component as well. So I think we're closer to how the API could look for these kind of multiple component components.