google / mlir-hs

Haskell bindings for MLIR
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Autogenerated tests do not handle ElementsAttr #36

Open jpienaar opened 2 years ago

jpienaar commented 2 years ago

Results in error like

test/MLIR/AST/Dialect/Generated/LLVMSpec.hs:779:62: error:                                          
    • Couldn't match type ‘a’
                     with ‘MLIR.AST.IStorableArray.IStorableArray a2 GHC.Int.Int32’
        because type variable ‘a2’ would escape its scope
      This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
        a pattern with pattern synonym:
          InternalGEPOpAttributes :: () =>
                                     forall a0.
                                     (GHC.Ix.Ix a0, Prelude.Show a0) =>
                                     MLIR.AST.IStorableArray.IStorableArray a0 GHC.Int.Int32
                                     -> MLIR.AST.NamedAttributes,
        in a case alternative
        at test/MLIR/AST/Dialect/Generated/LLVMSpec.hs:779:15-57
      Expected type: Maybe a
        Actual type: Maybe
                       (MLIR.AST.IStorableArray.IStorableArray a2 GHC.Int.Int32)
    • In the expression: Just (structIndices_match)
      In a case alternative:
          InternalGEPOpAttributes structIndices_match
            -> Just (structIndices_match)
      In the expression:
        case (InternalGEPOpAttributes structIndices) <> Prelude.mempty of
          InternalGEPOpAttributes structIndices_match
            -> Just (structIndices_match)
          _ -> Nothing