Open b2renger opened 1 year ago
I have a similar issue, similar code (except rendered by React).
iOS Safari outputs:
[Log] Attempting to present in AR with Quick Look... (model-viewer.min.js, line 1094)
For me the QuickLook starts up, but the AR option is faded out. I can only use the "Object" view.
The model viewer code:
ar-mode="webxr scene-viewer quick-look fallback"
poster="[poster src]"
src={[glb model src]}
<button slot="ar-button" id="ar-button">
View in your space
The versions of all are the same as above.
I also use meshoptimizer, whether that matters on not.
Any tips how to tackle that appreciated. Android works flawless.
@b2renger It seems that the Video Texture Type is not able to be exported to USDZ (through three.js exporter). Lottie and Canvas Textures should work, but even then, in QuickLook AR there would be no animations, just a static frame.
@mrdoob Looks like USDZExporter is not able to read pixel data from video.
@magdazelena This might be a different issue, do you have a live demo that we can take a look at?
@mrdoob Looks like USDZExporter is not able to read pixel data from video.
Does USDZ support video textures?
@mrdoob Looks like USDZExporter is not able to read pixel data from video.
Does USDZ support video textures?
I doubt it, but the comment was more that it also couldn't take a single image out of the video and use that as an image texture (I assume this is a DRM problem?).
it’s work for us. Hope it can help you too.
@MarkKu666 You mean it works in AR mode? if it is yes could you help
The example with video texture doesn't work on iOS devices. On the example 'Material & Scenes' => 'Animated Textures' the video loads and plays but nothing happens when clicking the AR button. The button just disapears, but no ar view displays. Only on iOS !
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